My first bagseed grow...comments tips welcome


Well-Known Member
good looking grow you got there,looks like mine....I only got 6 tho....the care you put into them shows....I will be reading the whole journal when i get a chance....+rep
thanks satman appreciate the rep and nice comments ill be sure to stop by yours too..yea as long as u show your babies love they will show u plenty of love back :) ...happy growin man peace


Well-Known Member
ok so heres a little update... last night i went to trim the ladies bottom buds that really haven't produced hardly any buds, and found out that i still have those goddamn gnats, so i think im gonna just let the soil dry way the fuck out before watering next time... im sick if these bastards, also when i was lookin in there i think some of my plants must have been pollinated by a male somehow or sometin because i think some of my plants might have some seeds growin in there... :( o well this is my first grow so ill take whatever i can get... and since plant number one wasn't doin so hot...she was almost miserable looking...i chopped her as a sample :) i think she is the plant that was doin the worst out of all of them with the most seeds, and she just wasn't lookin too good so i cut her down, trimmed up the buds and started air curin last night

sad i know that my plants have gotten pollinated somehow i know... but now that i have a little bit more experience, i will know what to look for my next grow... ill get some pics tonight and probably post them up tomorrow or sometin...but just thought i would throw this out there for your guys' attention and hopefully everything goes good from here... sorry for the bad news guys... trust me im realy upset about it, but not much i can do... still alright for a first time i think :) peace


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the hermies,,,at least you got some smoke?
oh yea man im gonna get some smoke outta these thats why im not too pissed just more bummed out then anything i put a lotta time, effort, love, money, etc into this and them gnats are gonna just eatem away i don't think so.. and as for the hermies or pollinated female buds, o well could be worse ill get a decent amount of smoke outta them anyways i think...some buds are still getting bigger and filling in better...could be worse so ill take what i got for my first grow...but there will be some adjustments before i grow again...hopefully to avoid this problem... but they could be hermies because in their sleeping period there might have been a little light leakin in the closet just becuase i would fall asleep and it would be brighter in the room in the morning, and the two plants closest to the door i think were the ones that got it the worst... so thats also another thought of mine...idk for sure though...but ill keep ya guys posted...thanks for all the support seeds or not!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the bad news bro!

Did you ever think that maybe they where just hermie seeds since they there where bag seed to begin with? Might not have even been your fault man.

Let us know how the samples turn out!

Take care.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the bad news bro!

Did you ever think that maybe they where just hermie seeds since they there where bag seed to begin with? Might not have even been your fault man.

Let us know how the samples turn out!

Take care.
yeah i guess that could have been the problem idk for sure...but i really dont care a whole lot because this is my first grow and i still think i did pretty good, im gonna get some decent bud outta here anyway...idk if they hermied because of its bagseed or not, but o well they still look pretty good i think and i only have alittle more time to go with them, so ill probably feed them one last dose of nute shit then start to flush, they haven't been fed for about a week week and a half, because i didn't want to shock them by mixing it with the hydrogen peroxide and mosquito dunk water, so hopefully those gnats go away and leave my plants be for a couple more weeks...thanks for stoppin in focus and im keepin an eye on your ladies lookin very good indeed...peace brotha

whats your guys opinion on the ladies??? lemme know...peace


Well-Known Member
Man they are budding up nicely P&L
Good to see your keeping things steady
thanks alto really appreciate it man... yours was too damn man props...yeah for some reason i think some of my ladies went a little hermie on me, not 100% sure what it was, but o well for my first grow it still isn't too bad...ill stop by and see whats goin on with your stuff in a bit...thanks for stoppin in man...take it easy and happy growin

this is insaaane.

what nutes did you use?
and this is all under a 250w hps?
haha thanks sublimed, yeah dude its just some good bagseed that i had saved for a while...i just used some basic shit from walmart, and garden stores...MG bloom booster shit for flowering and some heavily N based stuff from a local garden store, but have cut back the feedin a little bit
today is day 40 of flowering and the buds are still swelling up... :) yeah thats all it is, is a 250 MH/HPS, its doin a pretty good job... but after this grow im not gonna grow so many of them, just concentrate on producing a couple bigger bushier ones or sometin... but thanks for the comments and stoppin in man...peace out man and happy growin...:peace:


Well-Known Member
yea man, i'd say this is looking at the moment to be the highest yielding non-scrog or sog 250w grow i've ever seen. props to you man.

by MH/HPS do you mean you used a 250w mh for veg then swapped to the 250 hps for flower ?


Well-Known Member
yea man, i'd say this is looking at the moment to be the highest yielding non-scrog or sog 250w grow i've ever seen. props to you man.

by MH/HPS do you mean you used a 250w mh for veg then swapped to the 250 hps for flower ?

yeah dude fore sure, i wish i had them both running at the same time, i heard that if u have a MH and HPS bulb workin together it is supposed to yield more, or be better, idk for sure though this is my first grow...thanks man i hope so hopefully this is going to work out haha...peacez man


Well-Known Member
yea, 500w of dual spectrum hid light used all throughout growing will yield more than individual lights.


Well-Known Member
yea, 500w of dual spectrum hid light used all throughout growing will yield more than individual lights.
yeah thats what i thought i would need another ballast and housin... but im just gonna stick with what i got for now considering after this grow im just gonna grow a couple like 2 or 3 bigger plants and tie them down and shit, but anyways thanks for stoppin in sublimed...peace


Well-Known Member
alright well here is some pics of the buds i got from my first girl... she looked terrible so i chopped her... she had quiet a lot of seeds and idk what it was that did it... could have just hermied on me, or i think there might have been a male flower on one of them that i didn't see.. but thats ok because was the worst lookin plant... the other plants dont look near as bad as this one did... there is some water in the bag becuase i think i let them get a little too dry so im just gonna let them soak up a couple drops of water...

the buds in the sack are not all i got from the plant... i ground up whatever buds looked like they had a lot of seed sights, so i plucked off the bigger more developed seeds and ground the rest of it up... there was more in there but i smoked a lot of it last night... i didn't take very many buds and put them in the sack id say i ground up about 80 percent of them, i took the best looking ones and put them in the baggie....

well let me know what u think... i know its nothing special right now, but tonight im gonna take my plants out, take dead leaves off, change what i have for the flooring to a tarp material.. scrub down reflective walls and disenfect, and vaccum the carpet in there... i wanna do a little cleanin up in there so i dont get anymore pests...i haven't seen any gnats for a while... considerin i haven't really watered so they will dry out a little bit hopefully and die...enough rambling...heres some pics peace :blsmoke:

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Nice one man! Hope I get enough for a few spliffs out of mine, more than a few would be great but its just a first attempt so I'll be happy if i get anything in the end...whats the weight?


Well-Known Member
Looks good Pce, it must have a decent high if it made you forget the pics.:joint::hump:
Too bad about the hermies, but it happens, I think one of my 2 Black Rose may be doing the same, dammit.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Nice one man! Hope I get enough for a few spliffs out of mine, more than a few would be great but its just a first attempt so I'll be happy if i get anything in the end...whats the weight?
yeah dude for sure, im sure you'll get some, i stop by later today after i catch up on everything else, this is my first grow too!! um idk i never weighed them out but i guess i could tonight and put it up here tomorrow, check by then and ill let ya know what the weight was on the buds, the shit i ground up, i smoked mosta that because ive been breaking in the bong :) :blsmoke:, thanks for stoppin TSBN, peace

Good job P&L!
Hope that you enjoy the results of your labors.
hey alto glad u stopped by man, yeah thanks ive only chopped one lady down got the rest to go... it was my sample plant lol... oh yea this plant was mostly hermied but it still gets me high enough to get by until the rest of my ladies are done, oh yea ill for sure enjoy the fruits of my labor, but a lot of work into these ladies, as did u my brotha... i think im gonna order some feminized seeds and maybe just grow one or two big plants at a time, and maybe make a little hydro set up or sometin... any ideas?? just hit me up man... hopefully everything is workin out for ya alto...peace :mrgreen:

Looks good Pce, it must have a decent high if it made you forget the pics.:joint::hump:
Too bad about the hermies, but it happens, I think one of my 2 Black Rose may be doing the same, dammit.:peace:
haha yeah dude for sure, it got me a little stoned :blsmoke:... enough to forget the pics... too bad to hear about the hbr man that sucks... idk why mine all of a sudden had seeds up the ass but im gonna, do better on my next grow, this was just a trial period to see how it would go.. and it went pretty well i think for the most part... you will still get plenty of weight with the other plants though man, i wouldn't worry too much.. well thanks for stoppin in bigguy, ill stop by yours later today when i get a minute..peace happy growin :peace: