~**My First *BlueBerry* Grow**~

Yes, pictures are a must! Even if you really can't tell the difference in growth - I still love em!

Speaking of that, I just added 3 more shots of mine.
working on putting pics on right now of the grow equipment im going to use and my blueberry sprout.[/ATTACH]


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well as you can tell i got MOST of my equipment in. All im waiting on is my soil and my carbon air filter & my red HPS light then i should be good to go...OH no i still need a soil PH checker...then i should be good.....
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Damn dude, you got a fucking hairy ass arm y0!

Like I said before, don't stress out about the soil meter. If you are buying Fox Farm soil, that should be pretty much PH balanced.

Collect the run off from when you water to get an exact idea. A PH meter for your water is what you really need.
lol, no that was not my leg, i was sitting down with one of my legs sitting on the knee of my other leg so. no hairy arm, but defently hairy legs..lol. it runs in the family. Oh and and yeah thats what i plan to do for a while, is use the water ph checker till i just happin to get a soil one..
Aight guys i'v been doing alot of reading and i'v been seeing alot of people useing HPS lights around 400W or less on like 3 or 4 plants...I will be useing a 600W HPS on one plant...Is that over kill or should my buds end up being bigger then opras ass!
all depends on how you grow it man big lights dont always mean big buds, hope u know all the shit u have to get with that hps -ventalation,ballest and so on 600w its a good light but yea its over kill,,, have u looked at the T5s yet man?:mrgreen:
Well alright, finally today my carbon air filter came in so now im waiting on the soil....FOXFARM, WHER FOR ART THOU FOXFARM..Come in already!!!!!!! pic's will be up soon
T5's are good for vegging. I wouldn't recommend using that all the way through flower though.
Well alright, about 3 hours after i got my carbon air filter in i got a nother package in the mail ITS MY SOIL bout damn time....so i finally got all my shit in and my lil babies are looking good.( I say *babies* because i also have 3 Big Bud plants that i was going to randomily plant out side and just leave them their and hope something happins to them)
i will put pics up tomarrow....
Aight well here are some pics of my babies ( 1 blueberry and 3 Big Bud) and my set up, for now.
aight well i seem to be having some problems with my blueberry(the first pic) why does it look all fuck up, whats wrong with it..
and pic 2 (one of my big buds) one of its leaves is half solid yellow, why is this......
FYI thier not all going to be growing in the same pot for all of you who think im going to grow 4 plants in one pot..3 plants are going to be planted outside....








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They will be fine, just let them grow. Have you been giving them water already? If so, is it PHed?
Hold off on watering that much. They are still really small and don't need to be watered that much.
aight...will do........hummmm....what about nuits....when should i start that...and what kind out nuits should i use
Don't use nutes till around the third or fourth week or until they look old enough for them.

Something with good levels of N for vegging and something that has high levels of P/K for flowering.

I use Bio Vega and Bio Flores, those are both organic. Lots of other people on here use Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, and Grow Big from Fox Farms. Look around the hydro stores online to get an idea.
Hey Grnman, ....do you think i should switch to mainly growing my bid bud instead on my blueberry since my Big Bud is doing so well and is growing at a much faster rate then my blueberry....i started my big bud like 4 days after i started my BlueBerry and already my Big Bud has out grown my blueberry and look 2wice as healthy..should i just put my blueberry outside instead of my BigBud going out side...what would u do....