just started my first bubbleponics too along with my ebb n flow and was wondering if u keep ur water on all the time... and if you do did u do it b4 they were sprouting? heres some pics. Subscribed by the way
and also another question i have is should i buy a nice digital ph meter or should i order that thing off of SH that controls ur ph. for $150...i think they r sold out right now but if its worth it ill wait and buy that thing ...cus im thinkin either way im gonna end up having to spend 80-150 newayz for a good digi ph meter. so why not just get the controller...what do yall think?
Looking good so far. That's what happens when you start more then you need, it's hard to kill a baby that's already growing lol. I subscribed. Come check out my grow, first time with bubbleponics too so maybe we can help eachother throughout the grow. What strain you growing by the way?well i got a new ph meter and all the shit i need to make another bubbleponics...ima need a whole nother one jus to fit all these plants i have...i figured more of these wouldnt work out well cus i planted them l8...most were already outa the seed when i planted them...and they are doing great so instead of throwing the others out....we decided to build another setup....well we are going to finish it tomm night...but heres some new pics how do they look?