These took 9 months to grow to cropping stage, I'm searching for more pictures of them a bit later on their lives, this was just as they were flowering, about 6 months into total growth. At the time I didn't know about stretching or anything like that, I was just trying to grow some smoke! But I think I did pretty well, theres 5 or 6 different plants in here, including one that we grew outside, she was growing absolutely lovely until someone pushed a wheelbarrow into her and snapped her =[. I also had 4 males planted around my garden away from all the other ladies. these were given just rain water, natural daylight (and hours), and a bit of miracle grow. Anyway, here are my first ever ladies, grown over 2 years ago.

the third picture is my tallest one, she reached an easy 5ft tall in there.

the third picture is my tallest one, she reached an easy 5ft tall in there.
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