my first cfl grow

ig skunk420

Active Member
this is my first grow and i was looking for some input for fellow growers on here. i posted some pics with it, all plants are on day 6 on one 26w cfl floodlight due to money issue. thanks guys and/or girls. looking forward to your feedback



Active Member
doesnt seem like enough light to me, although im not a pro cfl grower, i prefer outdoors. way bigger yields, easier to grow.

ig skunk420

Active Member
they are on 20/4 right now. all bagseed unknown strains except plant on the left in the third pic, thats ko kush

ig skunk420

Active Member
i know its not enough right now, i have a 150 watt hps bulb i just dont have a ballast for it yet. i have a money issue right now due to court fines


There looking good so far to me. To me though they look like their stretching a bit. You might need to put the light a little bit closer to them.


Well-Known Member
Get the light closer. There showing their true leaves so atleast you got past the sprouting part. If you only have one light put the cups in a circle with the light in the middle so they all the equal exposure they need. Instead of having the light to one side. Not saying your doing that just a suggestion.

ig skunk420

Active Member
im deciding to transplant half outdoors tomarrow or so and i moved the light so its 2 inches from the plants, they all fit directly under it so it looks like there all getting the same range of light. im going to get two more lights tomarrow for it, one per plant should be fine you think? im also transplanting the three im keeping indoors into half or one gallon bucks tomarrow so hopefully they will enjoy the extra room. thank you for your input

ig skunk420

Active Member
how many cfl's would be optimal for 3 plants? 6 26 watts would prouduce about 8500k. which is about 1425k per-squar-foot. correct? or should it be around 2000k psf

thanks again