My first cheese grow


Active Member
week 2 (1).JPG week 2 (2).JPG week 2 (1).JPG week 2 (4).JPG Hi I'm doing x4 big Buddha cheese x cheese reversed in a 100x100x200cm grow tent currently 2 weeks into veg with a 600watt metal halide will be flowering with a 600watt hps not sure how long until I switch yet. I'm using biobizz nutrients and their soil as my last grow had great results with that stuff. I will be topping once or twice but not yet probably soon. here is some pics I took today, will upload more next week after I have topped them. feel free to ask any questions this is my first time doing cheese cheers.


Well-Known Member
everything looking nice and clean in there mate. i hear a lot of good stuff about the biobiz, a lot of the uk lads use it.

where about you from north or south?


Well-Known Member
What about us in the middle?
i prefer you lads to the southerners but they're not a bad bunch either lol. just wondered whereabouts he was because he's growing big buddha cheese and from my experience it won't come close to the cutting that seems to be everywhere. my one came from a guy in your neck of the woods for that matter.


Well-Known Member
I've just cracked 4 cheese off today there from dinafem ill not be growing them out there for 2 of my mates I got my back crossed northern lights on the go!


Well-Known Member
I'll let you know how they get on ill only have them till they hit the 3rd node then I'm giving them away...


Active Member
Cheers man I haven't heard anything bad about dinafem cheese to be honest something I may consider but I wanna try more of big Buddha next like maybe their blue cheese


Active Member
Nah man I haven't, have you? I think I'll stick with biobizz for now though worked great on my last grow THC bomb


Active Member
Been and done a little topping today, only the bottom 2 though will probably do the others next week. I have had a ph problem, been watering with ph about 7.5 but that issue is resolved now just got lots of bottled water from the shop. they are on day 17 now looking nice and healthy I think, been giving bio grow and bio heaven following the biobizz soil grow feeding schedule. Please feel free to give any advice or ask any questions, cheers



Well-Known Member
Hey mate how's thing's......had a look through your thread and noticed you use the bb range of nuits and r also growing big buhda cheese.......I mention this because I've done a few grows using exactly the same as yours with great thing I read that I thought I should mention was water......instead of buying your water in all you need to do is leave your water containers(tap water) open for a day or two this will leach the chlorine out and lower your ph to around 7 I live in scotland so our water should be similar also you mentioned maybay trying big buhdas blue cheese.I already have and tbh if we're you I would go with Barnys farm blue cheese it's a better overall finished product for the same price.The only thing with most of the B cheeses is the flowering time most of them r 10-12 week strains so with this in mind I hope it's makes easier for you to make a choice.....


Active Member
Hey mate how's thing's......had a look through your thread and noticed you use the bb range of nuits and r also growing big buhda cheese.......I mention this because I've done a few grows using exactly the same as yours with great thing I read that I thought I should mention was water......instead of buying your water in all you need to do is leave your water containers(tap water) open for a day or two this will leach the chlorine out and lower your ph to around 7 I live in scotland so our water should be similar also you mentioned maybay trying big buhdas blue cheese.I already have and tbh if we're you I would go with Barnys farm blue cheese it's a better overall finished product for the same price.The only thing with most of the B cheeses is the flowering time most of them r 10-12 week strains so with this in mind I hope it's makes easier for you to make a choice.....
Hey man I think I'm just gonna buy myself a reverse osmosis system after Christmas might work out a little better for me, I think our tap water is actually 8-8.5ph but with nutrients added it goes to 7.5ish. I was thinking of barneys farm blue cheese for my first cheese grow instead of this but I wanted to see what big buddha cheese is all about, don't think iv heard anything bad yet! that long flowering time puts me off blue cheese abit lol. what were your yields on your buddha's cheese? did you do any training or anything?


Active Member
They looking ok so far, the bottom two has been topped couple days ago, the top right plant seems to be a little brighter green than the others

