My First Coco Grow!


heh my little bagseed is looking good hell i got 10 more started on a single 100w cfl there growing pritty dam fast got mine about 2 inch's away from the tops of them i plan on maken a grow box hopfully find a decent light set up to grow 1 indoors and the rest outdoors hopfully my first grow will turn out alright and the W.B and S.S smell and look great - the fact the one was starved while you went out of town. lets just hope it catches up with the other one and produces some sick ass sticky budds :)


Well-Known Member
looking awesome brotha! i bet you're gettin as excited as a little schoolboy!! nice work..


Hell yeah I am!!!!!!! I think I am goin to the hydro store today, gonna go pick up a few coco blocks and grow bags. I am gonna haveta transplant these girls, Theres no way I can leave em in the bags they are in now for 6 more weeks with roots coming out. I guess next time I will know ahead of time to transplant before flowering. When I transplant do I need to break up the root ball, or can I just take em out of the bags they are in now and go directly to the new ones.


Well-Known Member
just checked in on my clones and 2 of the WB and 1 of the SS have rooted. looks like one of the SS is diein, the other 7 look fine so I expect the 4 that havent rooted yet to do so. This will give me my 2 new mothers to keep indoors, and 5 to put outside. I can't wait, goin to pick up supplies today.


Well-Known Member
Theorys vary on the whole breaking up the rootball thing. There are arguments both ways. I would not break up the roots on a plant in flower. WB clones easy, she should be nice to you. Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Theorys vary on the whole breaking up the rootball thing. There are arguments both ways. I would not break up the roots on a plant in flower. WB clones easy, she should be nice to you. Keep it up!

Yeah thats wut my uncle said, I just got done. They are now in 3 gallon grow bags, this will give them twice the amount of room for root growth. They were definatly root bound, was just a matter of time before I ran into problems. Hopefully it doesn't shock them too bad, will get pics tomorrow. Woulda gotten em tonight but I got home just as the lights turned off, so I had to get down there and be quick about it. Overall I think it went well, only time will tell for sure. I did also buy 3 more of the coco blocks I had the other 2 in only they are a little bit bigger bags this time, first ones were 6x6 these are 8x8. My WB & SS clones I took will be going into these as well as the White Widow I brought home from my vacation. Will prolly be putting them in coco tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Here are pics of my girls after their transplant last night, Finally got a decent bud pic from the SS. It is starting to catch up with the EB.

I have pics of the clones I took, And a pic of my White Widow clone. It has finally started growing!!!! I imagine it is going to go through some stress as I transplanted it from soil to coco. I took it out of the cup it was in and soaked it in water till most the dirt came off, Then I gently helped it get the rest of by shaking it in the water. I made sure to keep the roots in the water the whole time to prevent air from getting in, it amazes me how fast and thick the roots can grow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The last pic is of the clone that have yet to show any roots, the one in the lower right hand corner I am sure is dead. It was a SS, That leaves me with 2 WB and 1 SS to root yet. Will give them a few more days and if I see nothing I will throw them out.

P.S.-Better enjoy da pics almost took me an hour to upload em all, had to do it one at a time for some stupid reason. That and I am really stoned, enjoying the last couple hits of the Maui I brought back from my vacation. Only have about a bowl of the Berry left, can't wait till my girls are done!!!!!!!! This shit is bomb :hump:



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah the two in the clay pots are my outside gals, as well as any other clones the decide to root.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of the BEAUTIFUL cola developing on my WB and SS, the first pics is the WB the 2nd is SS.:hump: The smell is also amazing, they are both starting to put on trics. I tried to get a pic of the trics but you can't see em yet with the cam, a few more days. I am getting so excited, these budz are gettin huge fast!!!!



Well-Known Member
awesome brotha, i'm getting excited for ya!! it's amazing how fast the buds start growing and developing each day...and the crystally ooze starts flowing, haha....great job..



Well-Known Member
awesome brotha, i'm getting excited for ya!! it's amazing how fast the buds start growing and developing each day...and the crystally ooze starts flowing, haha....great job..

Hell yeah man, thanks for stoppin in. Doesn't seem as tho too many people are followin my grow. It is truely amazing how fast these plants change, u got on hell of a grow goin on yourself GKN.:shock:


Well-Known Member
Most ppl only come around when you got lots o bud porn up. lol

Keep up the good work. You will be rewarded soon. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Most ppl only come around when you got lots o bud porn up. lol

Keep up the good work. You will be rewarded soon. :hump:

LOL, yeah i suppose...I would do so only half the damn pics i take look like shit cause of my HPS, how do u get so good of pics? I have even tried to take em out and take pics. Gettin ready to go check on em now, hopefully I will see more trics!!!!!!!!:hump: btw in case u didn't know u are my inspiration for part of this grow, lol


Well-Known Member
If you can adjust the white balance on your camera set it for tungsten. That will help make the pics under the HPS better


Well-Known Member
I take photos w/ flash just after lights off. I am standing at the tent with it open, camera in hand when the HPS goes off. Some cam are able to balance out the hps orange but most look like shit. I just avoid it.


Well-Known Member
I take photos w/ flash just after lights off. I am standing at the tent with it open, camera in hand when the HPS goes off. Some cam are able to balance out the hps orange but most look like shit. I just avoid it.
Will haveta give that a try, dont think I can set the WB on my cam....dunno still haven't quite figured everything out on it yet.


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics with the lights off with the flash, thanks doog turned out great!!!! Will get some better bud pics in the next day or two when they start showin trics better, woulda had a couple for ya now but I couldn't get em to turn out. Havin problems holdin my hand still:joint: Also in the first pic I don't know if you can really see but I have leaves turnin yellow, any ideas why? I have narrowed it down to Heat stress, N def, or possible Chlorine Tox as the stems on the leaves are startin to turn purple. I can post better pics if needed



Well-Known Member
Those pics are much better. Now that you have done it you will not accept HPS pics anymore. lol

Those plants look pretty good. I would not be that concerned with the yellowing. You have lots of leafy growth so a little N def during this stage is very common.


Well-Known Member
Those pics are much better. Now that you have done it you will not accept HPS pics anymore. lol

Those plants look pretty good. I would not be that concerned with the yellowing. You have lots of leafy growth so a little N def during this stage is very common.
LOL, prolly not....I hope that is all it is, will see if it gets any worse than what it is. If it does I suppose all I gotta do is hit her with some N, was lookin last night and the Flora Nova Bloom I am usin has an N-P-K of 4-8-7. Perhaps this is why?


Well-Known Member
I love the FLoraNova. It is a little light on N for the stretch bit again, nothing to be concerned about. Do not correct unless it gets much worse. Stretch ends at about 23-24 days too much N will stunt flowering.