My First Coco Grow!


Well-Known Member
Good to see this thread still going after the drama. Smoking the good stuff :hump:
Yeah been kinda nice to see people still checkin for the drama, it has pretty much dies down. Keepin a low profile, haven't been talking to a whole lot of people. I need to get a smoke report done, been wayyy too fuckin high to motivate myself for that. With my son for the weekend will try to get it done when I get home Sunday.


Well-Known Member
mj amazing grow my dude the girls look niiice...
im growin in coco too about week 2 flower same nutes
what kind of molasses did u you think its worth it?

ive really been considering it did u flush with the molasses and water or just water?

stop by my grow and help me out if u dont mind i would really appreciate the advice


Well-Known Member
mj amazing grow my dude the girls look niiice...
im growin in coco too about week 2 flower same nutes
what kind of molasses did u you think its worth it?

ive really been considering it did u flush with the molasses and water or just water?

stop by my grow and help me out if u dont mind i would really appreciate the advice

Grandmas I believe, I did flush with ph'd water with molasses. As far as molasses bein worth it I can't really say cause I didn't ever finish a grow without it. I will drop in, thanks for stopin by


Well-Known Member
Grandmas I believe, I did flush with ph'd water with molasses. As far as molasses bein worth it I can't really say cause I didn't ever finish a grow without it. I will drop in, thanks for stopin by

Hey MJG,

Good to see ya still hanging around and layin' low... I have used sugars since I found out that they do make a difference.... The first himalaya gold I grew about a year ago I grew and flushed only with water and it did turn out to be fire... but the last two times i've grown it I use sugar from week 5 all the way through... I use sugar in the raw and what I noticed in difference was that the himalayas buds got 2x stickier and stunk like sweet chocolate it was fire x 2 basically so yes I would recommend using sugars/molasses in small doses (1 - 2 teaspoons /gallon) from week 5 - finish. All of my current strainds have also improved.:weed: Have a great day and peace out fellas!


Well-Known Member
OK guys I SWEAR even if I haveta stay up all night I will have a smoke report up. Got WAYYY too fucked up Sat night for the 4th, felt like shit all day Sunday and most of yesterday. Will post the link for it when its done.


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I got robbed the other day, dunno who it was but they got ALL my bud from my harvest. They also got off with my 32 inch HDTV and my laptop. My laptop is prolly the worst part because it has ALL of my pictures from the hospital when my son was born, I will never get them back. Takes a real heartless mother fucker to do that shit, Karma will come back and get them tho. If I find out who it was I will beat them within a fuckin inch of their life.

I want to get the fuck outta this shithole, i can't fuckin stand it. I also may be goin to jail today for a getting caught driving while barred a few weeks ago, so my life really fucking sucks right now. If I loose my job I am packin my shit and leaving


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your troubles bro. I fucking hate thieves - lowest form of life on Earth.
If your stash was well hidden, you might consider that it was someone who knows you.
What shit hole do you live in?

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Damn bro, I feel for ya. The same thing happend to a friend of mine recently and I can guarauntee it was someone he knows. Either way thieves are scum and they deserve eveything that is coming to them.

Best of luck with that driving charge too.