My First DIY Cab Grow: Using the K.I.S.S. Method

I was just reading up on the uses and benefits of (organic) molasses [blackstrap], and there are many. This author paints a good picture about molasses - one stroke of advice reading to use sparingly from the 2nd week into flower until 2 weeks left of flowering stage; another contributor mentioned he would use molasses throughout his entire grow as he experienced great biological benefits in his system after its application.
Nothing major to talk about. The ONA bucket mixed with soil moist seems to work alright. I just top it off with water every day or so and it's still running decently. Clones are doing alright (I took them out of the dome since they're trying to root and placed them near an oscillating fan for 30 minutes before putting them back in the box). No sign of gender on the plants (day 5 and counting), which I'm guessing is a good thing since females tend to take longer to show than males.


Used my phone's video camera option at different angles to ensure there were no light leaks in the box. So far so good.
Small update: My clones broke me down.

They're still healthy but there's no sign of rooting. I decided to pick up some Botone rooting powder (at the local casa depote... I'm surprised they actually had rooting powder to begin with), scraped the bottom section of each clone using a clean steak knife (razor?) to strip the outer layer, and split the bottom down the middle (like they recommend in all the other threads). The clones are still green, so we'll see if this works.

I also lowered the amount of light they're receiving. Apparently, they need -low- intensity lighting. First grow, you learn something new everyday!

In keeping it kiss, I redid the humidity dome. Here's the result:


Party cups. Keeps a nice humidity level. I only have to spray the inside of the cup once a day. I poked 2 holes in the top (bottom) of each cup for air exchange.

I've been a bit busy, so next log on I'll check out everyone's grows. Just wanted to let everyone know how this is going so far.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.

The ugly: My clones died. Too much moisture, not enough heat. I'm not really worried about this, as I have a set of seeds on the way that will be planted once I'm at the halfway mark of flowering. I'll need to do a ton of research on proper cloning if I'm going to take clones on my next grow, but, again, live and learn. Taking everything in stride as a learning experience.

The bad: No pistils yet. It's been two weeks, but they're sativa dominant, and the Peppermint Kush has a bit of sativa in her, so no worries here. If anything, the longer they take to show, the more likely they are to be females. Talk about a test of patience though...

I taped up the blue diodes on my LED lights (cardboard and tape. It's red as fuck in there now). Tonight, after their cycle is dark, they'll be getting 24 hours of dark before going back under the now all-red light (maybe a day and a half to keep my light schedule consistent. I'm happy with the "noon to midnight on" schedule.

The Good: I completely re-did my light fixture setup. It sacrifices a bit of vertical space in exchange for much more horizontal space, which is good. It also leaves room for expansion. Also, the ONA bucket idea is solid. I'm switching it up and using soil moist with ONA concentrate (and saving the gel for emergencies).

Fun fact: If you look up ONA concentrate on amazon, it's frequently purchased with soil moist and a fan. Several people seem to have beat me to this idea.

Anyways, pictures. The plants are very healthy and loving life. The box conditions have improved and will continue to improve.
-I'm not out of the game yet. Just nothing "noteworthy" (in my opinion) to show at the moment.


Building the light fixture was... "fun." Lots of creative thinking, a few tripped circuits (because I accidentally an extra wire), and a few measurements... but this turned out quite nicely. It uses the light socket idea that the PC box is using, and is screwed into the top of the cabinet drawer.

*sigh*... the things I do to make my plants show their girly parts q.q

Anyways, happy growing! I'll try my best to keep everyone updated. This was long overdue.

EDIT: Pro tip... If a fertilizer is concentrated (like Dyna-Gro) and it says to use 1/4 tsp per gallon... they really mean 1/4 tsp per gallon. Lower it to 1/8 per gallon, or use an eyedropper for measurements.
-Something I learned the easy way. Don't learn this the hard way.
I need pics man. I am feinding. I have been watching from the beginning and I remember that box being empty, now it's almost full