My first DIY growbox: tell me what you think. suggestions.

Here are pictures of my design. The box is going to be 30 by 30 and 36 inches tall. I will have a total of 12 23watt cfl all 2600k at the moment but will probably put some 6000k ones in for veg period. The lights are suspended by chains in order to be able to move them up and down easily. I was thinking two plants but possible 3 or 4. I want pc fans for my ventilation and odor hasnt been an issue with my first plant so I do not think I am going to carbon filter. I am growing in soil. The box itself I have not decided what to make it out of. I was thinking just a plywood box, every side just plywood with a door that opens. I was also possibly thinking making just a wood frame or pvc pipe frame and put the black and white plastic over it. If it was plywood I will put mylar on the inside walls.

I plan on kinda growing like that book, buds for less, kicking the plant into flower early keeping it small and bushy. I do not think the height will be to much of a problem.

What do you think? Any suggestions? How do I wire pc fans? Should I have some suck in and some blow the air out?


Well-Known Member
Looks as good as any...scrog or sog i think work best in small areas ..i seen at home depo some plywood with silver reflective stuff on one side and was under 10.00 a sheet
thanks I read through that grow, I am not sure if I want to do that method though even though it looks great. this is my first full complete grow and I feel like so many plants is overwhelming and intimidating.