My First DWC Grow w/ Short Rider from Nirvana


New Member
Here is the pics.

So to backtrack what I did differently from before.

I added 2 10 inch airstones w/ pump.

Added superthrive 1/4 tsp per gallon ( 7 gallons total)

Added hps 400 w into the grow.

I guess I should flush it out? To do so, just flush it all out and then add water with nutes or what"?

Dam... i hope they dont die on me.

Ok I know you guys say overwatered but how? perhaps I should lower the water levels? I mean I am not using any water pumps at all.


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Over-watering is the same as lack of oxygen. The roots have 2 functions: absorb water and absorb oxygen. If the water in your res is too warm, it looses it's ability to hold dissolved oxygen and the plants suffer and become droopy. If possible, you should get an aquarium thermometer or something so you can accurately tell the temp.


New Member
Will do I am sure the water is not to warm but I cant give an exact temp so I am not going to say that is not the problem. will do that. I was wondering if the superthrive caused that.

Should i flush it and just put straight water for now or what?

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
You can keep giving them nutrients at the level you have been. There are no signs of nute burn so you should be fine. Also, you should adjust the pH before the plants are put back in so that you don't shock the roots.


New Member
So I checked the ph when lights came on according to color chart it was around 6.5 I added a lil too much ph down but it is 5.0 - 5.5 which is still ideal so I am not going to mess with it and any ph up.

I will see if this was the problem before I flush it, as it is late and I do not want to go thru the process. I am in high hopes of using the very expensive but nutritious soil the "moonshine mix" when my auto aks get here....

Anyways I hope that does the trick! oh as for temps go Its feels really decent. what are temps for water suppose to be? cause i say its in 70's cause its not warm at all.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
70's is great. You should keep it under 75 max, under 70 is better. That's a pretty big swing in pH, hopefully it will not affect your plants.


New Member
No lights are not too close. apx 1.5 ft away from top of plants.

Water may be too high.

I dont know this my first homemade dwc container.

I have it marked at 7 gallons and when it is filled the very bottom of the net apx .25 inch is submerged in water. Could this be why?

So temps def not a problem. Ph could of been. Plants do not seem to be worse after fixing ph.

I did however squirt some H202 3 % into the water to help oxygenate the water better.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
The water level could be part of it. It should be about 2 inches below the bottom of the pots if the roots are long enough.


New Member
K THEN i will do that.. I was thinkin the other way around cause my dwc is at a slant. the one that plant that had less water touchin it was kinda droopy and the others were not. I will drain some of the water tonight or tomorrow morning and see if that helps.


New Member
OK temps are cool in water. PH is at ideal spot. I dropped water level apx 1 inch give or take. I will see if that helps. I did not flushout the nutes as it does not look like a nute problem.

Keep in mind already 4 10 inch air stones in this 10 gallon tub

So its getting alot of oxygen.


New Member
There still droopy!!! Man this is a bummer....

Only thing i can think of doing besides flushin it out is to take the roots and dip it into a H202 solution 50/50 with water and 3 % H202 in a small container.

I mean I dont know why it is doing it. There are no signs of anything dying but slow growth is occuring. I did notice the HPS making it bush out a lil bit which is a good thing.


New Member
Already did. And I took more water out. I really need a temp gauge but the water is freakin cold! surprisngly to considering the heat and all. Means I did a good job keeping light out, lol.

I am toying with some bagseed in odd n end containers and what not. I figured out the 15 i threw in i take a few of the best ones after flowering to determine if they are male or female so I can get rid of males.

ANyone have asuggestion on what to put underneath the grow bags. As it grew pretty big and I can imagine I need something for that water to drain into. Just a thought what i get my seeds I really want up and running going on soil.


New Member
Ok well I only had room to put two net pots with roots and plant of course into a h202 solution with a airstone.

I am not sure how long i am suppose to do that but I am going to do for apx 4 hours cause its in my grow room and lights are off now.

Anyways I am still debating if I should start a new journal or add to this seeing how it will be in the same room my soil grow.

I put a thought of thought into it and I heard great things about soil so I am going to give it a shot again but with more richer of a soil.

This is a quote from moonshine man and this is what my mix will be looking like:

"Lookin good....the mix is super can use it from seed to flower it just doesnt need the dry ferts (peace of mind) early on.....Watering is the Key to this mix...overwater and youll see all sorts of weird "nute def" poppin up....let it dry completely and the probs disappear......the Current mix goes a lil sumthin like this...

(bag of each)
Ocean Forest
Planting Mix (guano/castings)
Light Warrior
Black Gold
Coco Brick(small brick)
1 cup peace of mind (for flower)
2- 5 gal buckets worth of perilite....
And the LARGE Chunky

Perilite...RULES....small perilite packs down over time ...the large perilite creates huge air pockets for the roots to grow through....over the last 3 yrs anytime I have gone back to the small diameter perilite my plants SUFFER and yeilds diminish.....You have to try the stuff to understand and even then you may not comprehend (like me) the benefits the large core peri makes.....great stuff....

Romulator has been usin my mix for a couple of yrs now and he is like me always tinkering and tweakin the mix...but in the end its the core 3 bag fox farm mix that makes this shit work....

my only "additives" Id tell anyone to try would be "Fish Mix" from biobizz for a lil boost in veg and Advanced Nutes "Moter Earth Super Tea" for a lil boost on day 25-30 for LARGE plants ......But honestly the mix dont need nuthin....
Keep up the good work....."

So I purchased the soils and the big and chunky perlite which was freakin expensive as hell. I heard this creates some really good tasting bud.

Its so rich that I will not have to add anything up untill flower and even then I could still go without adding anything. Of course ph'd water.

I also bought me a wall mount fan to help keep temps cool. I am also and more then likely going to be purchasing a portable a/c as well.,default,pd.html?cgid=Air_Quality-Portable_Air_Conditioners#

That is what I was looking at for the grow room. what do you think? Should get the job done for a room that is only 10X9. Winter is right around corner and temps will drop, however I am keeping in mind the summer and how temps will be if I dont get it. Plus i am getting a real good deal only 150 bucks!! for AC and its not a ugly window unit either!



New Member
sorry roseman but I will provide updated pics of what the plants look like. they look real droopy as if they are overwatered and there not growing like they use too..


New Member
DAY 21

So it is day 21 and I still have droopy looking plants. Growth has seemed to slow down dramatically if stopped at all. I do not understand why these plants look like this.

I have included pics of the plants in there current conditions.

Water temps are apx 70 degrees. I purchased a thermomter.

Humidity is apx 40%

Temps are 75-85 degrees F

Nutes are 1/4 tsp per gallon

PH is apx 5.5

They are on a 20/4 light schedule.

I have tried everything possilbe and no luck! I have dipped them in h2o2 solution for hours. Flushed water... Dropped water level... I even did the rain dance around tha plants.. lol

