My First ever grow - Sweet Cindy


Active Member
This is going to be my journal for my first ever grow! I have been doing my research for many months and now that i have some funding to back my many desires im getting ready to put my first gals in the ground in less than a week!

The Setup

I will be growing with soil as this is my first grow and i want some exp. under my belt before i attempt a hydro setup. I'm also going to do it organic. I will use fox farms ocean forest and pearlite, at a 80/20 mix. As far as nutes go i will be using Iguana juice grow/bloom, Mother earth super tea grow/bloom, Sensi Zyme, and Bud candy. Im going to start with 2 sweet cindy clones from a close friend of mine.

I built a grow box out of 2 27 gallon rectangle totes with 2 200w CFL's each at 4100 lumen. Pictures to come. I plan on using this box for the first 2 - 4 weeks of my clones lives. A mini veg chamber so to speak. After there isnt enough space to keep both clones in the box, im to transplant one into my bathtub and leave the other to veg out in the box. My bathtub is lined with reflective material and hanging above it is a 1000w mh/hps closed hood. My goal with the bathtub is to do a Scrog and fill a screen the entire length and width of the tub with colas. Im not sure what to do with the other clone in my veg box. My idea is to keep it trimmed to fill the tote and then when my first plant is harvested from the bathtub, this would be ready to go right into 12/12 under the big light.

My next update will include pictures of everything, just working out the last of the details.


Active Member
Box is almost ready to go, just have 2 pc fans to attach on the top for ventilation.

Not sure if i wanna add the 2 fluorescent bulbs to the box or not, not sure if there would be space.

Big light is going to be here tommorow!!

Pics attached!

1.the box and lights
2.side exhaust vent
3.inside lined and ready
4.opposite lid with lights hanging
5.My box opened in half



Active Member
I think im going to add some more bulbs to the bottom of the box that are higher in the blue, around 6300-6700 today. Also, im going to get a few fans in


Active Member
picked up 2 27w 6500k CFL's and added them to a power strip in the center of my box. One of the gals is lookin great but the other is still a bit droopy....

i also picked up a couple of these 4' fans to add inside and use instead of pc fans. THey are on clearance at wallyworld for 3.50 each


Vapor Nation

Well-Known Member
A viable option for tap water is to fill multiple jugs and allow them to sit for a few days with the tops off, this will be much easier on your ladies than water directly from the tap.


I agree with Vapor Nation. I usually buy a few gallon jugs from the store and then just continue to refill the jugs as needed. Good luck on the grow.


Active Member
The girls still are not lookin better, not standing straight up and the yellowing has gotten worse.... It looks like it might die


The girls still are not lookin better, not standing straight up and the yellowing has gotten worse.... It looks like it might die
Don't stress, she'll bounce back. From the pics, it just looks like a little overwatering. Let her dry out and try a light molasses solution?


Active Member
Been a while since last update, camera was lost, hehe

10/2/11 - I transplanted from solo cups to 3 gallon pots. I will LST them in theses until they are big enough to go into the bathtub in 10 gal pots. When i transfered i gave them a dose of sensi zyme, i used a half tsp and 10 cups of water.

10/4/11 - Mixed up first batch of iguana juice for the gals. Didnt feed them with it yet, gave them a round of plain water, 2 or 3 days and they get the juice. I used 1/2 tsp to 10 cups water just like with the sensi zyme. Im using FFoF so i dont wanna shock them with too many nutes.

10/5/11 - gave each plant about a half cup of the Iguana water, gonna do a couple more rounds of plain water after this though. Forgot i added a bunch of fresh soil and it will have plenty of nutes for now.

10/6/11 - all pics are from today, they are lookin good so far, gonna start the LST tommorow. Got my 1000w hung up, still working on the ventilation to keep temps down. I figure i have another 2-3 weeks to dial it in.

I found a seed i had stashed of some blueberry a buddy used to grow about a year ago. It popped a taproot out in about 3 days, i put it in dirt about 3 days ago and this is pic from today. I have high hopes for this one! bongsmilie



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10/7 - Tied both plants in half this afternoon, both are responding well

took these pictures earlier this morning, lots more new growth since then, i will get some more recent pictures next time i make more ties.

Gave them plain water last waterin, just prepared some sensi zyme in the next gallon for the girls.

My little gal is showing great signs. Just saw her first leaf today!!



Active Member
Did some more bending yesterday just to continue the growth to the edge of the pot. Took some pictures first thing this morning. Im also going to water them each with a third of a gallon each of R/O water with sensi zyme. Hopefully they look great still when i get home from work.

The little gal has her first fan leaves!! they are really small but yellow on the tips already?! Im using FFoF and put the seed right into dirt, could this be early nute burn?

The pic of the little gal is what separates the 2 Cindies, in case you cant tell them apart



Active Member
explosion of growth while i was at work it seems. Both plants are loooking good. I think it might be time to transplant again.

Plant is just showing signs of 7 section leaves instead of 5, is this a normal time frame?

