My First ever grow - Sweet Cindy


Active Member
did a foiler feed right before lights went off last night. First time doing it, i put 1/4 tsp in 1 cup of ro water and then did a light mist.

Is this too potent, too light? and how often can i do it?

I checked the girls first thing this morning b/c i was worried and they looked GREAT. Just got home from work and they are still lookin great so i think my recipe was ok, but wouldnt mid some input


Active Member
why do you want to foliar feed? looking pretty good, but I can't comment on foliar feeding I've never tried and kind of wondered why people use this method(?). Glad to see you took the organic route, i'm using FF organics and GH also for flowering nutes.


Active Member
sorry to hijack. but i love to foiler feed, balances out any deficiencies you may have. ie nute lock due to low rh, ph. also a good foiler feed before lights out keeps em nice and humid all night. i always stop as soon as i see bud too.:peace: oh and foiler feed every couple nights


Active Member
why do you want to foliar feed? looking pretty good, but I can't comment on foliar feeding I've never tried and kind of wondered why people use this method(?). Glad to see you took the organic route, i'm using FF organics and GH also for flowering nutes.
I wanted to foiler feed just to give them an extra boost. Im vegging under cfl's atm so i feel like they are not as big as they could be. I thought a foiler feed would be a great way to introduce some inguana to them maybe give thme an extra push. Ya i didnt wanna add any synthetics, tryin to just get some pure high quality medicine :)

sorry to hijack. but i love to foiler feed, balances out any deficiencies you may have. ie nute lock due to low rh, ph. also a good foiler feed before lights out keeps em nice and humid all night. i always stop as soon as i see bud too.:peace: oh and foiler feed every couple nights
I dont mind the comment, so around everyohter night? im only feeding the 2 small plant so im just using a small spray bottle witha 1 cup res. What kind of mix you think i should use?

I think im going to pick up some AN Mother Earth Super tea today from the local shop. I think im going to foiler feed with this for a night or 2 so i can give the soil plain water

Im going to wait 1, maybe 2 more weeks and then im goign to transplant to 10 gal pots and put them under the 1000w MH and let them veg for another week or 2 under that before i switch to 12/12.


Active Member
i just buy my from my local hydroponics shop. Halo i think its called. plants seem to love it. you dnt have to stop giving feed while you foiler feed, you are just giving your plant that extra edge. give it ago and within a week you will see a difference. any deficiencies will start to clear up too. best of luck with the sweet cindy m8:peace:


Well-Known Member
could you maybe ask your buddy if he knows where to get some of these seeds, feminized?? I hope this works out for you as this should be a super, super dank strain


Active Member
10/15 8pm - plants go under 1000w for first time. left on till 1am, and thats end of cycle

10/16 = been under 1000w all day and lookin good

temps are 86 in the area around and i have a thermometer between the 2 thats been stayin at 82. I think im going to transplant them into 10gal pots now that they can go under the big light but im not sure if i wanna risk stressing them after the light move


Active Member
not seein a lot of overnight growth this morning light somtimes, but maybe a lil shock from transplant?? They are lookin great this mornin, happy to be under a bigger sun


Active Member
using a 2.5g distilled water res now for my nutes, i added .5 tsp of Iguana juice grow (3-1-3) and 1.5 tsp of SensiZyme, ph is at 6

i gave each plant about a half gallon today, both pots were feeling light, pics to come before the light goes off tonight


Active Member
you should have saved up some money for a grow tent....
meh, bathtub thing is only temp while i live in an apartment, i plan on moving into a house in less than a year and building my own grow room so i can get on a perpetual cycle. Same reason i went with a 1000w instead of 400 or 600 for my size, it will be better in the future


Active Member
9/22 watered just before lights went out with rest of the res. i have made up, gonna mix up a stronger batch next time, been a while since pics, will get some updated tommorow, finally have a day off work


Active Member
going to water tonight before lights go off, put 4 ml Iguana juice grow and 6 ml Sensi Zyme in my 2.5g res with an air stone.

These pics are from just now, been trying to keep all the leaves pushed under to get as much light as possible to the buds.

Topped the lil gal, she has been under the 1000w for a week or so now, got rid of the beg box and just usin the big boy



Active Member
wasnt back home in time to water going to do it tonight but wanna wait till lights are off, i have a bad habit of splashing the plants when i water and i dont wanna burn them ..... Again.......


Active Member
been a while since last update, girls have gotten big. Even the lil gal is lookin purdy tall. I have mixed in with the other 2 so it can soak up plenty of light. Gonna switch to flower within the next week or possibly 2



Active Member
Been a while since my last update. I switched to 12/12 on the 9th if i remember correctly. Today is the first day that i have seen frosty crystals on the new leaf growth around the buds. The buds also seem to be filling in a little bit more.

The lil gal has exploded in growth since i switched to flower, it has began to show more flower growth as well.

I know the cindy is a 6 week flowing strain but im not sure on the (not so little) gal.



Active Member
was a day late with watering and got a lot of yellow and brown spots, assuming it is just a K def. It only happens if I let them get really dry