My First Ever Grow!!! Unknown Stain. Newbie with lots to learn :D


Hey Tafbang,

I water them every 3-4 days depending on how dry the soil is when I stick my finger down into it. I give about a liter for the 2 plants in the big pots and 1/2 liter for the one in a 2L coke bottle. Maybe I should water the coke bottle one more often since it gets about half the amount ever 3-4 days ;it was the first to turn brown.

I give nutrients every 2 weeks. I use the garden plants dosage which is much but hasn't burnt the plants during veg at all (20-20-20 NPK) . I started flower nutes 15-30-15 NPK when I turned the cycle to 12/12. Last time I gave them flower nutes was Dec 1st

Soil is good premium soil I got at a local nursery along with the general veg and flower fertilizers.
I think it might be the pH and I'll be getting a kit soon to check the runoff levels. Thanks for the reply! Almost at the end of the journey


Well-Known Member
I'm still going with a nutrient malfunction just by the way they look. don't give them nutes for a week or two and water them a little more and see how they do. they are bigger plants from when in veg and need more water. it should make them greener. and if it's a nute problem. you'll find out


Well-Known Member
Partaking of the herb may not be addictive BUT growing it sure is! Nice grow going....temps appear great....personally I feed mine every watering with adjustment in mix for flowering or vegging.....I use humboldt soil (nuteless) and bio-bizz & BMO organic nutes. I give seedlings 1/4 strength and they love it. Keep up the good work.....don't harvest too soon and your GF and you will certainly enjoy the results. + rep for your efforts.


Thanks for stopping by Oldreefer. Growing is definitely addictive. I'm already planning my next few ones which I'm super stoked about. Next will be OG #18, Super Lemon Haze, Lowryder x AK47 auto, Barney's Farm LSD.


Update here: December 20 2010

Week 5 right now of flowering for my three girls. The one in the middle seems to be the best female so far but I think I'm starting to see nanners appearing. Nothing too bad but it freaked me out at first. This female has thick, tight and resinous buds and smells SUPER citrus-like. I'd say about 80% white hairs still but I'm noticing more browning over these last few days.

The female to the left is a TALL one; she's tied down and widened up quite a bit. She seems to still have 95% white hairs.

The female to the right has displayed the worst genetics of the three. Although most of the fan leaves have dried up and fallen off its still frosting up decently. About 90% white hairs still.

Still waiting on my microscope to come in; its been over a month now :O

I'm estimating the middle one will be done around New Years, what do you guys think?




Well-Known Member
not bad i suppose. but you still have a little time to try and keep those babies alive/healthy and keep the potency high..

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
I think you have done good tbh, yep theres evidence of a little nute burn and maybe a deficiency starting ( slight chlorosis) But then again deficiencies are common as in flowering. Without a pH tester it will be hard to pin point the exact cause. Im growing in soil and my nutes arent anywhere near that strong - but then im using a specific brand so unsure to the maximum range to give ( i recommend biobizz- hard to overdo). Are you flushing ur soil at all? All in all though it doesnt look bad for a first grow and im sure you, like me, will be glad ur gonna get a harvest out of it and learn alot for the second run :D

GL i'll be following


Hey Agent,

I'm really excited for harvest! Been dreaming about this for over 3 years now and finally the opportunity presented itself. I am using a general purpose nutrients from a garden supply store. Veg is 20-20-20 and flower 15-20-15. I will get better a pH tester soon for my next grow. I think I did overdo it on the nutrients a bit; they were just handling it so well before but I guess that's because I had twice the amount of plants, lol.

I have not been flushing. Don't really know exactly what that means. I've been giving them just straight water the past 3 weeks now.

Got a question. Can I reuse the soil I have for my next grow? Will pieces of roots from this grow have any negative effect on the next grow? I read you can reuse organic soil (which I use) but not if synthetic nutrients are used. Can anyone clear this up.

Thanks a lot!


Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
i would say the nutes were of incorect values for marijuana- i would deffo get some more specific ones next time :) Flushing generally refers to giving straight waterings in a higher quantity than you would normally feed ( until it runs out bottom) and this helps stop toxic salt buildup from forming in the soil from all the nutes that you give. It is advised to do this periodically throughout the grow then one big flush at the end ( 2 -3 straight waterings). But straight water for 3 weeks? i would give them some half strength nutes as im sure they should be getting hungry/ deficient in some way ( paling/ funny colours?) 2 of your plants look like the pistils are still very white in colour so in order to help build up the density i would start feeding them again - just dont overdo it. The final flush (plain water) shouldnt take longer than 2 weeks to flush out the nutes ( 1 week organics) for harvest i would say to feed them a few times before u gear up for a final flush to get the most out of them- but thats me- im sure some others may have different views- just dont want u to harvest to early.

The question about reusing soil in the short answer is - Yes. I partly reused my soil just added some new to it and broke up the roots the best i could and chucked out the main body of the root system..The problem you have with reusing compost is that having flushed out the plant in the previous grow, the compost isnt going to have much in the way of available nutrients. New compost has a balance of everything a plant needs to be able to sustain it for a few weeks before having to add any additional nutes- hence why most advice is - you dont have to feed your seedling for x amount of weeks- i imagine by using soil thats been totally reused your going to run into deficiency problems sooner/ or you may have to modify your schedule of additional nutes. I mentioned earlier i use biobizz nutes- i use the soil too as its been especially formulated and ph has been corrected for use with marijuana- i hear fox farm is good too - team that with the nutrients from the range and your less likely to under/over feed plants and make your life less stressful-These brands give you an easy feeding schedule guide too- i wouldnt advocate reusing soil totally- but partially because you want to save some money is cool :D

The theory of using chemical nutes in organic soil is that the chemicals kill the beneficial bacteria (Mycorrhizae) which basically renders your soil, well inorganic as a result. Mycorrhizae helps break down the nutrients so they are more readily uptaken by the plant. i would advise using organics :D I've done it in both of my grows- hope this helps :)


Well-Known Member
hey Beartown - just stopped by to check on your sick girls... hope everything is better for you. IMO, schultz potting soil is part of your problem... that and miracle grow don't do well with cannabis for some reason. I hope its getting better for you. Stop by often - I update my grow every friday!


Well-Known Member
get it away from your other bitches and try cutting all the pollen sacks off and keep growing it. or you can chop it and try to make some hash or some $5 weed or something.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
If theres only a few you can carefully pick them off as long as you stay on top of it you should be cool if you only have a couple of weeks to go it will be a shame to sacrifice the plant- if theres too many sacs would it be possible to put it outside to finish?


Hey thanks for the replies!

I took a sample and tried it out in my vap today and it was pretty damn good. I'm going to pick them out as much as I can, its not too bad yet. Unfortunately I can't put them outside since its -25 degrees outside :S
When would these bananas open to release spores? The other two are pure females and the one that I had the least hope for is now showing the greatest promise :)
I wish my microscope from ebay was here already. Been about 1 month :S



Well-Known Member
Since you are growing from bag seeds you can end up with all sorts of variations...that is half the fun. Like getting a mutt puppy for free...what will it turn into? Wait and see...some strains just have purple stems, but I haven't seen too many growing that didn't have a few purple way of knowing how long you should veg, or how big they will be, but it is super easy to trim and crop and lst a plant into any size and shape you want.


Well-Known Member
I would actually flush them if I were you...It takes a long time to flush in soil anyway...but I owuld just because I think you amy have given them some nute burn and that the ph might be a little I would flush them...that would help with the nutes and ph...


Few more pics

Another plant seems to be turning yellow and brown. Its worrying me a bit but they do seem to be budding up like crazy.

Is this normal for about 2 weeks out?

When flowering the plant is plannin on dying. It sucks all can out the leaves and put the energy to the buds. And guy was wrong u need more light for a bigger plant. That was on of my concerns aat the beginning was your lighting but u added a few bulbs so i think u will be cool. may add more for future?? possible nute burn. if they start to look that way and you might go to walmart or somewhere u can get some cheap ph test strips. once u get them test and if outta crazy range then flush immediately but if not u could use ph up or down. But shit looks good. keep up the good work. ++ Repp Please.