My First - failed - CFL Grow


So, I've been reading around on these forums for the past 2 months as I took a dip into growing this magical little plant. I am about as new as you could possibly be at growing, especially considering I've never grown before, and if not for these forums, this would have failed a long time ago. For example, I honestly thought dirt from outside would suffice as soil, and I was growing out of containers that had no way of draining water. Needless to say, my first batch quickly passed.

With that being said, once I did look around on these forums and actually got myself properly setup with good soil, lights, and pots, I took what seeds I had left and planted them in! With everything in place, they did grow, and I thought I was on track to get myself some cheap bud! However, they are male plants, and as such it is pretty much pointless. Except for hash, of course. Even though I have no clue how to make it.

But, I still figured I put up some pictures and my experiences, because male or not I still have thus far successfully grown two plants, and would like to share my experiences to other newbie growers like myself who could use my mistakes for their success.

To start, I had about 6 seeds from a bag I bought about a month and a half ago. Weed was great, but it was seedy as fuck. At first it was kind of annoying to have bought a bag with all these seeds (seriously about two dozen seeds almost in an 8th), but it still got my lit and I figured why not toss 'em in some soil and see if they grow. Little did I know that I would really get into it, and for more reasons than just smoking it. Growing it was surprisingly enjoyable and rewarding, even if not financially through actual bud.

Like I said, I started with some shitty soil from outside, and let them crack first. Once the taproot was showing, I tossed 'em in. At first they grew, but it didn't take long for me to realize I was doing it wrong. I had them on my window seal whenever I could for the sunlight, and watered them once. After pretty much dying once they sprouted, I decided that I would put a little more effort into the next seeds. So, I read up a bunch on here and went to my local hardware store. I got myself two ballasts and two packs of three CFL's. One pack was 3500k for vegetation, the other was 2700k for flowering. I soiled up the pots I got and dropped the cracked seeds in and watered.

It didn't take long before I had them sprouting:


Everything was looking good, but then I started reading up on different nutrients and how it's good for plants because lack of proper nutrients won't let them grow. So, I went back to the hardware store and grabbed some Miracle Grow nutrients. It was organic, and was a Nitrogen nutrient derived from sugar beet molasses. Seemed solid.

After "feeding" them a bit of nutrients daily, and keeping them watered, I ran into a new problem. The plants seemed to be stuck where they were, and I wasn't happy about that. After some reading, I decided I wasn't doing something right. If you look at this picture and can guess what it was, kudos to you!


Basically, I was overfeeding them unnecessary amounts of nutrients, and if you look at the picture you can see my lights are WAY too far. So, I flushed the plants, sort of half re-soiled, and moved the lights almost to within touching distance. Finally, I made a very specific schedule for my lights in which I woke up at 5 AM, turned the lights off, and then turned them back on around 10 AM when I got up for work. This obviously just being my vegetation schedule. A couple of weeks with that, and they literally blew up. It was awesome to see my precious children growing up!


Eventually, the plants got a good size, even without topping them (I learned this later), and I decided my pots were much too large to keep in vegetation. So, I switched to a 12 on/12 off schedule for flowering.

As expected, the plants got much larger. I constantly had to readjust lights because of the plant growing into them. At this point, I also realized I simply did not have enough lighting. Even with a total of 3 lights, it was too little. So, I bought two more ballasts and a few more bulbs and threw 'em in there. About a half a week later, I really started to notice what I didn't want to, and that was that the plants were most definitely male. And that brings us to today!


Although I am very bummed they didn't turn out females, I am trying to make a positive out of it by sharing my first grow story, and finding out how to make hash out of them! I hope any new growers like myself got SOMETHING out of this, even if just a little weedporn fix. :)

With that being said, I appreciate ANY feedback and wouldn't mind answering questions myself as best I can. Also, if any experienced growers here in the states that do so in an area where it is not exactly legal wouldn't mind PM'ing me and giving me a hand on a couple of questions, I would GREATLY appreciate it.

Good luck!


I am new here as well and trying to figure out my perfect first system. To bad on the dudes, there are various tuts on how to make hash around the site. Keep 'me going and then spring for your perfect seeds if you. I am a medical user, as pain has made my relatively young life miserable and without mmj I would be in bed almost all day. Use to find your desired strains :) best of luck, I will look for your next journal.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the luck, but hey atleast you got to find out what worked and didnt work. Another tip is in your next grow line the inside of your grow space in mylar. You can get an emergency blanket at walmart for cheap and it will work fine and also keep some of that light reflecting back to your plants.
If your serious about growin start with good seeds you can spend 30to60 bucks and get some good feminized seeds,don't waist time with crap seeds, the flouros are ok to veg under but a good hps will give you what your looking for, too grow anything that is worth the time and effort you will put in you will have to spend alittle $$$,,,like I said though,,,,if your serious,,,,,good luck


Active Member
CFL need to be super close. their rays dont penetrate that far. so the more the better. and closer the better. im using 256 actual cfl watt 2700k for 1 plant. i hope the get .3 g/w


Thanks all for the replies.

Medigan: Keep medicating! Marijuana is our magic little helper to keep that pain away. :)

Cellardwllar: The problem is I am not sure where to buy seeds from. Or, to put it simply, I don't know where/how to buy them in a way which it won't get snagged through the mail by the feds. And although I'd like to work with an HPS, the power usage scares me away from them, as does the price. So, CFL's are perfect for me! Especially considering I am growing for myself and some friends.

Siq: Yea, agreed. The amount of CFL's I use per plant is around 3 or 4, and my next plant will have 5 on it at all times.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the luck, but hey atleast you got to find out what worked and didnt work. Another tip is in your next grow line the inside of your grow space in mylar. You can get an emergency blanket at walmart for cheap and it will work fine and also keep some of that light reflecting back to your plants.
Honestly, I'd skip the mylar. I did it in my first cab and it's a pain in the ass to keep clean. Flat white paint has almost the same reflective quotient and if it get's dirty, just put on a fresh coat of paint.

You can flower with CFL but I actually found it harder to keep cool in a small space. At one point I was running over 400w of fluorescent lighting. A 250w air-cool HPS setup was much easier to cool, at least for me and I even saw a jump in yield.

If you're running a small grow as it sounds like you are, I wouldn't worry much about the usage alerting the authorities. My computer and monitors probably pull more juice than my 600w HPS setup does.

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
the Nitrogen in the neutrients might of been an encouraging factor in turning both your plant to a male. any type of stress also can cause male plants


New Member

You didn't necessarily fail the grow..Just not the outcome you were after.
To start..If you are gonna use CFLs, 5 won't do.
If you use 42w CFLs you can get by with 5/6 of them, but anything less(the 42w) will require more CFLs. I'm using upt o 50 of them(during flower I will cram them). I'm using 30 right now, and cooling them with a small oscillating fan. When I add more, I'll add another fan.
Get the book Buds For Less. The author pulls about 6/7 ounces off of 3plants using 6 42w CFLs, growing in Miracle Gro, so CFLs will get you where you need to be.
They Mylar blankets are also sold on Amazon 10/pk for $9. With the 10pk, you can cover an entire bedroom. That just FYI. I've got some.

And get some seeds from Attitude Seedbank. It's safe to order to your door...Just send them to another name..And buy them with a prepaid visa.
I've used visacards on two occasions.

Good luck bro :joint:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to revive this but it is puzzling to me. The shear volume of low rent "grow" attempts I read about that is.

This was your second attempt? After you failed once and you did months of research?

It sounds like you're half assing it, and that you are a bit to confidant in your understanding of growing.

. I don't know where you live but cultivation is a felony here. I couldn't imagine catching a case for some schwag seedlings drenched in miracle grow in a Dixie cup on my window sill, with a soft white desk lamp for "supplemental lighting" ugh...

Ok, now that its out of my system...

Get some real grow lights. If you want to use fluorescent lights, get a nice 4-8 bulb T5 fixture. You can use high wattage cfls around the perimeter for healthy side growth. Do you want to grow quality cannabis or do you just want to hang out backstage? Save up some cash and get an HPS for flowering. Stop growing on your window sil. What are we in high school? Wait, don't answer that, I bet a lot of you are. no offense...

If your going to grow, then grow. Invest in quality equipment. Read. Research. Read more. Read so that you comprehend the material and can apply it yourself, BEFORE you grow. Don't read a thread title "plants need nutrients" on a forum, then trip over yourself rushing over to dump miracle gro all over your garden. No, but seriously, go do that now...

Why do plants need nutrients? Which nutrients and when in their life cycle? What are some natural occurring sources of those nutrients? What are stamen? pistils? you should know the answers to all of these questions.. Have a working understanding of basic plant biology.

Get some good genetics. Two dozen seeds in an eighth ounce is not good weed. Or it might have been and your dealer thinks your an easy mark. Either way, order some seeds from a breeder. You can get feminized seeds and waste less time culling males. Good weed is SIN SEMILLA. es no "con mucho semillas" Sorry, My Spanish is a little non-existent.

You don't just put the Dixie cup on the window sil when you can, or when mom leaves for work. Plants like cannabis need lots of light, in a specific spectrum for at least 18 hrs a day. This is usually provided by THE SUN.

The sun would melt your face off if you got within a billion miles. it is brighter than a million neutron bombs. it can literally burn your skin from 90 billion miles away.

A three pack of CFLs from Walmart ain't gonna cut it.

Sorry if I sound like an old dick. If I am going to risk doing time and losing my home, I am going to make sure that the bud I am risking it for is the best fucking bud I was capable of growing. I hate it when people take the easy way out. CFLs are a great innovation and sure you can grow bag seed in dirt from the top of the storm drain in a computer case lined with Reynolds Wrap but why the fuck would you do that?

the judge doesn't care if you're growing fat kolas of potent sugar coated sinsemilla or a bird seed bag score ruderalis x brick schwag
why not go for the gold?

ok rant over.

PS I made those facts about the sun up for effect.


Well-Known Member
the Nitrogen in the neutrients might of been an encouraging factor in turning both your plant to a male. any type of stress also can cause male plants
I think he means any type of stress can cause your plants to hermie, although that isn't strictly true.


Active Member
Nice work there's a thread on here a guy has em in a box with 2 computer fans. His buds are starting to get pretty frosty. He's using just CFL bulbs also. My friend used to use over 1,000 watts of these dollar CFLs, he could produce nice looking bud but he couldn't get his yield very high. I finally turned him onto LEDs'. Advanced LED's have done really well by me, leds are a bit expensive but use little electricity for what they produce. Now he's producing 4 times the yield half the wattage and heat.


Active Member
I forogot to mention if you are over feeding your plants you usually will see very dark green leaves and burned tips of the leaves. When starting my seeds I also always use a seed starting mix, and I try to get the organic starters so they don't have any funky chems. The seed starting mixes have a lot less of those big junks and I feel it helps the seed get a better start. Hope this helps keep trying don't give up.


Active Member
Sorry about your loss sawhit. I think most growers have to take a few tries before they figure a system that works for them.

Just don't get discouraged, hang in there and try again. When you do succeed, and you are well on your way, you'll see it will be worth it.

- SB -


Well-Known Member
If your serious about growin start with good seeds you can spend 30to60 bucks and get some good feminized seeds,don't waist time with crap seeds, the flouros are ok to veg under but a good hps will give you what your looking for, too grow anything that is worth the time and effort you will put in you will have to spend alittle $$$,,,like I said though,,,,if your serious,,,,,good luck
You really going to come in here and spew this bs? Telling someone don't waste there time on bag seeds? Hmm pretty sure some of my best plants have been from bag seeds. Oh and with bag seeds your not out any money either if you fuck it up.

Also I've done entire grows with cfls and yielded almost 2 oz's a plant so that has nothing to do with it. You can grow great bud with just cfls but if your looking for tight dense buds then hps is where it's at. So no you don't have to spend lots of money to get started. I started with 100$ into my whole setup.

So please, I beg of you don't give advice to someone who is just starting out when you just recently joined.

Keep up the good work bro and just keep trying it's the only way to learn this hobby. None of us are perfect and we all have mistakes and what works for us may not work for you. You got your foot in the door and that's a start and farther then a lot of people will get.

Wish you the best of luck bro!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to revive this but it is puzzling to me. The shear volume of low rent "grow" attempts I read about that is.

This was your second attempt? After you failed once and you did months of research?

It sounds like you're half assing it, and that you are a bit to confidant in your understanding of growing.

. I don't know where you live but cultivation is a felony here. I couldn't imagine catching a case for some schwag seedlings drenched in miracle grow in a Dixie cup on my window sill, with a soft white desk lamp for "supplemental lighting" ugh...

Ok, now that its out of my system...

Get some real grow lights. If you want to use fluorescent lights, get a nice 4-8 bulb T5 fixture. You can use high wattage cfls around the perimeter for healthy side growth. Do you want to grow quality cannabis or do you just want to hang out backstage? Save up some cash and get an HPS for flowering. Stop growing on your window sil. What are we in high school? Wait, don't answer that, I bet a lot of you are. no offense...

If your going to grow, then grow. Invest in quality equipment. Read. Research. Read more. Read so that you comprehend the material and can apply it yourself, BEFORE you grow. Don't read a thread title "plants need nutrients" on a forum, then trip over yourself rushing over to dump miracle gro all over your garden. No, but seriously, go do that now...

Why do plants need nutrients? Which nutrients and when in their life cycle? What are some natural occurring sources of those nutrients? What are stamen? pistils? you should know the answers to all of these questions.. Have a working understanding of basic plant biology.

Get some good genetics. Two dozen seeds in an eighth ounce is not good weed. Or it might have been and your dealer thinks your an easy mark. Either way, order some seeds from a breeder. You can get feminized seeds and waste less time culling males. Good weed is SIN SEMILLA. es no "con mucho semillas" Sorry, My Spanish is a little non-existent.

You don't just put the Dixie cup on the window sil when you can, or when mom leaves for work. Plants like cannabis need lots of light, in a specific spectrum for at least 18 hrs a day. This is usually provided by THE SUN.

The sun would melt your face off if you got within a billion miles. it is brighter than a million neutron bombs. it can literally burn your skin from 90 billion miles away.

A three pack of CFLs from Walmart ain't gonna cut it.

Sorry if I sound like an old dick. If I am going to risk doing time and losing my home, I am going to make sure that the bud I am risking it for is the best fucking bud I was capable of growing. I hate it when people take the easy way out. CFLs are a great innovation and sure you can grow bag seed in dirt from the top of the storm drain in a computer case lined with Reynolds Wrap but why the fuck would you do that?

the judge doesn't care if you're growing fat kolas of potent sugar coated sinsemilla or a bird seed bag score ruderalis x brick schwag
why not go for the gold?

ok rant over.

PS I made those facts about the sun up for effect.
I'm going to say the same thing to you as I did to cellard. Please don't put our members down and try to give them positive advice(I'm not saying you didn't somewhat) but damn we all have to start somewhere and you guys coming in here saying this shit doesn't make it easy for anyone.

Oh and you don't need quality equipment to grow quality weed. I guess my first 100$ setup including everything was shit. My bad dude I forgot I need to spend hundreds to grow dank.

Oh and if your risking losing your home and going to jail over growing I'm gonna go with your not in a legal state and are breaking RIU rules by even posting here so please help new members out and tell them what to improve instead of making them feel like shit.

Thanks have a nice day :D