My first glass pipe


Well-Known Member
Lol. They're both pretty bland, but I understand what it's like to not have any money.

I'd go with option b.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
assuming you get the exact pipe pictured i'd go with the second one. from the looks of it the carb is less awkward to use and the bowl looks a tad bigger, which i like.


Well-Known Member
For more information, check out The Glass House section. I've only ever used cheap $5 spoons myself but a glass screen does sound nice of you have the diligence to clean it. I just worry about what you ate smoking through if you have no job and no money. I have no money because I sent it all to family abroad but do try and find something up do with your life if you're going to smoke. Im not trying to be mean, I say it out of love.