My First GROW! 2month qp set up

very nice very nice very nice
good job man

Final weight on the seeded funky one : 26 G
more then i thought .. so ... cool :weed:
have to have a sesh with her next week see how good she is

and a pic of my dried purp (whole plant to come down tomorrow)


Very nice bro, that purple got dark as hell. You gotta try it, and give us a smoke report, I've been hearing lately that purple weed tends to taste like dirt. I've only gotten stuff with purple tips, and it tasted great, so I don't know. Can't wait to hear how it is.
me and my friend smoked a blunt of the bush plant ... then took a couple hits of purp out of the bong, and we were totally lit after that ! lol

so i made some cannabutter last nite with about 30gs trim and 10gs bush bud.
made brownies this morning and ate one about 35 minutes ago .... hopefully i did everything rite !
will post back later
me and my friend smoked a blunt of the bush plant ... then took a couple hits of purp out of the bong, and we were totally lit after that ! lol

so i made some cannabutter last nite with about 30gs trim and 10gs bush bud.
made brownies this morning and ate one about 35 minutes ago .... hopefully i did everything rite !
will post back later

would like to know the effects from your brownies.
once ate hash omellets and felt the bodily effects all day long and eventually crashed in my bed early that night
Nice 420 ya let us know how they were. I was just talking last night about making some brownies with like a oz of some nice sativa buds once I get them grown.
the brownies are great ! i ate 2 total day and it was a nice body buzz, and everything was amplified after taking hits
my gf had a half of one and felt it for 4-5 hours :)

ill be doing it again with most of the bush's buds

i put my trim /buds in the blender with some water
and ground it up for about 30 seconds ... then dumped it into the simmering water with 2 sticks melted butter.
put some more water in blender and shoke to remove the rest of trim and dumped that into the water.
low simmer and sometimes just under simmer for about 5 hours
strained out the trim and put it in my garge till morning :)
lol that shit sounds great.
thats some good snakes right there.
thats the trees and the munces altogether in one shot
haha, the times are so fucked up on this message board ... i ate them last nite :)
made a full recovery to come to work this morning..... im debating brining them in for snack tomorrow ;)
im using the fox farms 3 pack for nutes...
YES i brought some into work today ... almost snack time :):weed:

hehe it might be fun to cook some low strengh ones and leave em in the break room if ya got one are just around the office hehe i could see a mellow day at work lol i might have to try this some of these asses around here could use it :fire:
^ yea thats an idea .... should be able to get away with it ;)

i just ate one, it just started snowing pretty good..... and i want some general tso chicken for lunch !... and then im gonna go home and smoke some purp that ive had hangn since saturday ... almost ready to be jarred !