My first grow 3 part question


So this is my first grow and she has been out of the soil for 16 days. 20 days total since I soaked the seed for 24 hours then place in rapid rooter. I have a 1000w led that I bought on amazon not sure if 1000w is correct but I had good reviews. I have been keeping my light at 28 inch from the top of the plant. Everything has been going well until yesterday I noticed the tip of one of the single finger leaves was dried out and discolored. I also attempted to do a Fim not sure if I didn’t right but here’s to hoping.
So the there questions are;
Should my plant be taller than it is?

What is with the leaf that dried up?

Did I FIM this plant correctly?

Started in a rapid rooter plug
Currently in 5 gallon pots been transplanted 3 times including from the rooter plug
Fox Farm Soil
I have not been giving nutrition except for a root booster and I have been using less than the dosage



Well-Known Member
Thats about how tall it will be at its age and under a 1000w light. Good job!

Your FIMing looks correct in the 1st picture. A bit early in its life IMO. But it looks like you did it correctly. As those leaves grow and expand they will be shorter showing the FIM line. If you dont get a bunch of branching now you we're probably just a bit early in its development. But if you fim later and no branching take a little bit more next time you FIM.

The dried up leaf i couldn't tell you with 100% certainty. Maybe showing it was hungry. If that yellowing continues might need a little boost. Not likely as your soil should be good for a while. And overall the growth looks good.

Also its roots could have found a hot spot in the soil. But over all dont worry too much it looks good.

Do keep an eye on that yellowing its telling you something if it continues. Likely need to check your water pH or start feeding with mild ferts. At that size maxi-crop (not with iron) is what i use.


Well-Known Member
You have a beautiful little plant there young buck. But I think you need to take a deep breath and a step back from the garden. Fox Farm is a soil great for growing and its expensive. Probably worth it if you have money to burn. But its HOT. It can burn roots on plants that are sensitive. Cannabis can be like that. Not always though. Then you transplanted three times. Give the poor little thing some time to do its thing. Stop molesting it.
My advice is to use noting but tap water keeping the soil damp but not wet. Don't use any ferts until its a bit more established in the soil. Use about half of your LEDs capacity and keep the light far enough not to burn the leaves. Really at this stage I only ever used a florescent light with about 600 watts of power. Even less is still ok.
The yellowing could be a few things but the plant otherwise looks great. A testament to the weediness in the genetics. They don't call it weed for nothing.
Sorry for the long rant. I care about plants. Hope that helps.