My first grow...a few questions? (outdoors in New Hampshire)


Active Member
So im in New Hampshire and looking to make my first outdoor grow. My girlfriend is sitting on her family's 300 acre's, which was bought by her dad because hes big on keeping the area woodland and left alone to nature rather then housing complexes. It's also right lakeside with plenty of streams and marshes, so we think we can find a couple very good discreet sites to grow some plants.

I've been doing alot of research and have decided to grow 3 different strains in 3 different locations, also im going to plant them 2 weeks apart, so i start one a bit early, one right around late may, and one early june. This was i can keep it to 10 seeds in 3 different remote spots so hopefully theres no detection.

So now heres a few questions....(sorry)

1. What are some good strains to start out with. I know I want to try some Northern Lights but im unsure on teh other too, im leaning towards the Early Misty maybe but still unsure. Any reccomendations?

2. Seeds, there are TONS of seed sights and im really sketched on ordering them as its clearly illigal. What site would you recommend and any tips for avoiding legal issues?

3. Keeping away there any soil or spray or anything, espcially for deer that can keep them away, or atleast better the chances?

4. Spotting males...any tips? I've watched a few videos and read some things but im still real confused

5. Yield, what can I expect for yield, im planting 10 seeds of each, so 30 seeds....i know its impossible for you to tell me based on no pictures or the plants not even starting, but say i do a mediocure job and maybe a quarter of the plants survive...

and thats it...i know its alot of stuff im asking so im very sorry. I can assure you i HAVE ready the stickies and researched before asking, i just know theres a wealth of knowledge here so I figured i'd give it a shot.


Active Member
By now you've succeeded or failed... i live in NH too, northern lights and early misty are two great starting strains. you're going to want to start with heavy indicas. if you're plants aren't fenced in, they will get eaten by dear and other animals 100%. if you can't fence them in, pee around your patch.

seeds - use attitudeseeds. search them

yield - stupid question, never count your buds before they're grown. and never ask someone on this site what you think you'll get, very amateur. there are so many variables it's not even funny.

pests - do some research, the internet's a great place. you'll prolly fuck up ur first grow so don't get too excited. under watering is the best advice i can give you. they're meant to dry out and such (afghanistan ((kush)))

hope you learned a lot from ur first grow... i wouldn't buy seeds for ur first time unless you're putting your plants in a very safe place where animals will never be able to get to them. GOOD LUCK SIR

males - do research... seriously, this is 101 type stuff you can find if you spent 30 seconds looking anywhere.... do research before you ask questions, 10 times out of 10 someone's already asked it 100 times