My first grow Advance Nutrients

Fair enough, but i would ask yourself if you could handle loosing an entire crop in a matter of days? Something that you spent a month or 2 or 3 working on. When the undercurrent and mpb hit the medi scene they were all the rage because of the super fast growth and you could grow monsters with those systems. Everyone started jumping on the bandwagon. After a ton of hard work and money to set these systems up people would start having problems with there plants and roots. Root rot is the biggest issue you face in hydro of any kind. And once you get it, most people found even with extensive bleaching and cleaning it just came back. All it took for most people was to loose one crop and everything you have gained over the last year vs growing in soiless was out the window and then sum. I dont know anyone still running these systems, everyone i know had them in the garbage after a crop or 2. I was about to build one of these systems for my 24 light room till I started to hear all the problems people were having and people loosing entire crops. So glad i didnt. I would suggest u stick to a soiless mix or try a coco or coco/perlite mix like myself and dial that in and you wont have any need to look at hydro.
You got me thinking now, that's a scary thought. If I was able to control a perfect environment, wouldnt that take care of problems such as root rot?
I used advanced nutrients , they work great but leave something to be desired in the flavor department.
I used advanced nutrients , they work great but leave something to be desired in the flavor department.

That's common with all hydro nutes tho. There is no doubt that a soil rich in all the different organic compounds will give buds more subtle smells and flavours but like with music many of us are semi tone deaf and don't miss them. For myself I'm after the medicinal qualities and consume most of my pot in edibles and if I can grow more medicine easier with the addition of hydro nutes then that's the way I'm gonna do it.

A lot of it seems like wine snobbery to me with guys like Fraser and Niels waxing poetic about all the finer qualities of the latest bottle of plonk when the vast majority just want to get bombed. :)
