My first grow, almost there with three of the ladies.


Well-Known Member
Ok well, I learned a lot this year. I'll definitely do things a little different next time.
I've read lots of stuff on tons of different sites and I mean pages and pages, I stumbled onto doubleJJ greenhouse page on this site when I got budworms.

I must say this is the best place I've found so far, anyway here is my garden.

Three Blockheads are farthest along and smell like Magic, the Storm has been flowering about 2 weeks and smells like Trainwreck. The Durban poison just started flowering and doesn't really have a smell yet.

I thank everyone who shared here, helped me greatly much appreciated!!


Active Member
Ok well, I learned a lot this year. I'll definitely do things a little different next time.
I've read lots of stuff on tons of different sites and I mean pages and pages, I stumbled onto doubleJJ greenhouse page on this site when I got budworms.

I must say this is the best place I've found so far, anyway here is my garden.

. . .

I thank everyone who shared here, helped me greatly much appreciated!!
And thank you for sharing, my friend :blsmoke:

I was picturing something nice when you mentioned how abundant these plants turned out, but seeing them on video -- monsters! Talking with all you outdoor guys has me excited to see if I can get my ducks in a row for next spring. Thanks for the inspiration :)


Well-Known Member
And thank you for sharing, my friend :blsmoke:

I was picturing something nice when you mentioned how abundant these plants turned out, but seeing them on video -- monsters! Talking with all you outdoor guys has me excited to see if I can get my ducks in a row for next spring. Thanks for the inspiration :)
Awesome, THX MAN......I was super stoned and started to blab and got lost in the coversation, I had a real good point but forgot before I could tell you. Then I remembered but then you were gone, hehehe I can't remeber what it was now......I'll let you know if I remember again, if you have any questions hit me up......keep growing, its the only way to get better!!!!


Active Member
Awesome, THX MAN......I was super stoned and started to blab and got lost in the coversation, I had a real good point but forgot before I could tell you. Then I remembered but then you were gone, hehehe I can't remeber what it was now......I'll let you know if I remember again, if you have any questions hit me up......keep growing, its the only way to get better!!!!
For sure...gotta keep going till I'm capable of results like yours :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Beautiful job dude. You must feed them 'fish guts' from all the fishing you do.

It was so cool to meet you, we'll have to get together & go fishing. You were deffinatly the fisherman of the group. You must have won the "fishing contest"lol!

Keep in touch dude!
