My First Grow...and IM DOING IT IN MY DORM


Active Member
all im saying kayasgarden is that your article had absolutely no relevance to what im doing. You posted an article of some college student getting busted at his apartment off campus while I in turn live in a dormitory. So like I said, goes to show you, you can get caught anywhere and being responsible about your actions can keep that from happening.


Well-Known Member
roliver I think the chances of getting caught at home arent much less then getting caught anywhere else. Be safe and don't tell a soul.

PS - Lower those lights, them plants look like they are about to stretch.


Active Member
thanks robbie. Will do. I set a book underneath the tray that holds them so it lifted them up a couple inches. So now they're about an inch from the lights or so

UPDATE: Bad news, we had a casualty today and i think another might soon follow. Lets hope for the best!


Well-Known Member
Hey roliver1031.

I'm a freshman in college and am dabbling in growing in my dorm. I've found it's really not as hard as people make it seem. As long as you are smart and plan ahead for the worse, you will be fine. I just failed at my first grow due to my CFL falling on my plant and burning it, but I learned a lot in getting it that far. I've got a new grow starting now with a different set up. I'll start a journal for that one soon.

Link to first grow:

Good luck and be VERY careful!

Peace :joint:


Active Member
Update: My plants are doing well. However, some of them have some sagging leaves.... Is that bad? or does that normally happen. ill post a picture of what im talking about.

