My first grow attempt in a pc case


Active Member
I needed to set up something discrete so i stripped my old computer and started setting it up. This is my first grow so i still have a lot to learn. So far i have the case emptied out and lined with mylar and i have my fans setup for intake and exaust. i think im ready to set up the lighting but im having a lot of trouble. i know my best bet is going to be using a cfl but i know nothing about them. can anyone give me some advice on what kind of bulb i should be looking at and a power range? and also im hopping to just be able to buy a socket to plug directly into the wall if thats possible. Thanks for the helpp


Well-Known Member
hears what i think..dont do that pc crap...really ur out going to get shit...make a small grow box if u need to hide it...and read FAQ..good luck


Well-Known Member
go to a hardware or home improvement store that will speacial order and ask for some 45 watt 6500k compact flouros by The Designers Edge theyre in my opinion the best "cheap" cfl out there it swamps common 13-27 watt cfls that come in those packs but theyre a little less common it was easy foar me tho i work at the only place in my town that sells them


Well-Known Member
get some of thoes 45 cfl watters, you should be strait but make sure your only growing 1-2 plants in the pc cuz for one there is little room in the case and remember plants expand twice in size durring flowering and not only are the plants going to be fighting for space and come out very skinny but, it gets very very VERY hot in a confined growing area and you dont want your plants too close to the bulb. also you have to remember that the cfl are going to take up space aswell. in my opinion i wouldnt use a pc case, id get a rubbermaid tub or if u want to be mre dicreat id use a speaker case, or do what im going to do make a wooden boz and put that speaker foam over the front of it so it looks like a large speaker. but if your going to do the pc case thing might i suggest useing an Indica breed maybe Lowryder? if your very new to growing make sure you read up on Nuets,lighting periods, pests, watering etc. check the FAQ on this site,it will tell u pretty much everything you need to know. i hope i was of any help. if you need anymore help just PM me

music + bud = Love


Well-Known Member
go to home depot buy the sockets that have a plug on them.. there like 1.24 a piece.. get two power strips... IE surge protectors... you plug the bulb into the socket plug the socket into the surge protector and mount it in the box on the left.. get two so you can do the same on the right... buy two 2 packs of 100 watt cfl's they produce about 300 watt equivalent to hps... check this out... and ive seen it work 1/2 oz per plant three small plants with just colas on top....!!!

Look surge protectors mount on both sides the lights plug in to the protector..... no need to move the lights because you are in a small box... its not rocket science and i use the same method in a closet 3x3x3 6 ft. high.... works fucken great!!! 2-100watt...

there are also things to keep in mind 6700k for veg...2700 for flowering its the difference in the color output not the power or wattage!!!! you need red blue for flower its a must to get the best yield..... hit me up if you need a diagram ill draw one up on paint for ya

Your welcome ahead of time


Active Member
thanks for all the help. since my setup is unsing a smaller space do you think to 100w will be to much? I was just reading another thread on a pc grow case and the guy said he used 2 30w cfls and his yield was over a half. should i got with one 100w cfl across the top? letme know what you guys think im gunna head to home depot in a little bit