My First Grow Attempt Thread


Active Member
Hello all
Here's a pic of my room set up for prognation and seedlings i have a 1x1x2.5 mtr indoor grow room i am attempting to grow 5 white widows and 5 orange bud for first attempt. as you can see i am using a reflector with a 125w CFL lamp on a 18hr light cycle and intend to switch to a 600w grolux lamp connected to a 600w digi balist once i replant my seedlings to my 6.5ltr pots.I am using terra grow plus soil mixed with perlight @ 75:25 %, along with the following feeds terra Vega mixed with big bud boost for the 18hr day light veggie stage and terra flora mixed with big bud for 12x12 flowering stage

I am growing 4 White widows was 5 but one died taking it out of prognation to soon befor two leafs had developed fully arrr :confused:..

and one on my orange bud is about 1.5 inch tall with two leafs just taking out of prognation tub today

please feel free to pass any coments and advice on progress. I will update with pics as i progress.
cheers Foxy


Well-Known Member
i'd repot those in bigger pots. when you do bury them all the way up to the first set of leaves.


New Member
very nice but you may want to move the light a bit closer as they are strecthing towards it already


Active Member
move the light a bit closer as they are strecthing towards it already
have done already friend recomended same advice thats why this one was falleing over

so i have added more soil to straiten her up a bit


Active Member
i'd repot those in bigger pots. when you do bury them all the way up to the first set of leaves.
ok i think i will - i was going to wait untill they were a week old on sunday but if you recon it's ok to plant them now i shall


Active Member
heres some pics of them repotted

i was paranoid they were to far away from light so put them in perm pots . but looking at pic now i think i should have made them all same hight o shit arr ,i was bothered incase i damaged stem putting to deep in soil .
heres a better pic of room with air filter in veiw to gander at hope you's like - cause i love it my secret tavern hehehe till next time cya's

cheers foxy
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Well-Known Member
Moving the light closer looks like it help'd.

You might have to put something in the pots so the plants can latch on!

Good Luck!!


Active Member
yep it sure does seem to have help'd a lot m8 there doing gr8 just been up and added more soil to pots so theres only about 1.5" of stem and added 400ml of water a feed to each pot - i think i can see the other 4 Orange bud starting to come threw to mmmm

P.S can any one recomend how much water i should be adding to 6.5 lte pots at present i intend to add 200ml as recomended on this link 6.20mins into futage i was intending to follow that watering guide but i'm not using same size pots ...
i only added 400ml to each this time as this was the first watering since i moved out of prog tub and soil was dry finger deep
cheers in advance for any tips :blsmoke:
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Active Member
omg what a horrid couple days i have had woke yesterday morning to find my WhiteWidow #4 had fallen over threw night and was just about dead so added more soil to try and revive her but when i got home from work she wasn't looking any better so i supported it with bbq sticks and tie wire as i did all others and by 10 last night look as though she had had it so removed from grow tent and when i came to it this morn she looked to be reviving a little so she as now been put back in tent and just gotta see if she recovers or not though i dont have much hope ,
i thought i knew the cause of her fallen i spilt some water over the leafs and thought that had caused her to fall over, how ever when i got up this morn Orange Bud #2 had done the same so i added more soil to that one to the first leafs
like i was advised to do with rest but did'nt:evil: lack of confidence is a killers arrr .so hopefully OB#2 will revive no probss (fingers crossed) :blsmoke:
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Active Member
ok i added 400ml to each plant last night around 8pm and i have just tested the water moisture at 11.30am with this cool little tool for £3.50 at wilkos and it as indecaited moisture to be as in pic

is this ok ? or would i be better only giving each 200ml water and letting soild go even dryer to aid healthy root growth or is it ok to keep giving them 400ml per day and keeping soil moist - or would it be wise to test again tonight at 9pm and see how dry soil is - i know it's not wise to have soil to moist or dry, would it be ok kept in the moist range of my meter or better to let run dry ??:-?..


Active Member
ok i have supported all White widows with BBQ sticks and gardern tie wire from Wilkos tie wire was 75p and BBq sticks were 50p seems to be doing the trick - how do they look to you advanced growers



WW#4 my damaged baby arrr


Active Member
Today i have also added a extra fans cause i am struggleing to keep room temp down with my 9" fan since i changed my buld to a 600watt growlux,it was at a constent 30-34 yesterday and it was a hot day here in uk about 28 out side. so today i got a 12" one from wilkos to see if that'll keep it down and seems to be keeping room at 28 though it is only 12.50 in day and not as sunny or warm as yesterday

i have the air thats getting sucked out of room by carbon fan and fan

exiting threw my ceiling to roof sofit vents

and seriously considering routing it back into room so theres a constent fresh air getting pumped back into room but i need following answered befor i go ahead if anyone can help

1 - will the air getting sucked out via filter be ok to pump back in ??

2 - will the warm air sucked out of room then pushed threw ducking via centrifugal fan be cooled enough to pump back in ??

3 - does a carbon filter clean the air as it is sucked threw it or just remove smell and stail air ??

4 - or would i be better just getting another fan and connecting it to a roof tile vent via ducking and drill another hole in ceiling and having air from roof hight sucked into tent on a timer 10mins in every hr ??
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