Pie Eye
Active Member
Yea I heard that letting your water sit out for a day or two is supposed to help with evaporating chlorin is that correct and another question I have a seed germed and i put it in soil and I moistened the soil but when I look closely I see tiny white worms I mean like almost microscopic in the soil. Are they gnat Lara and if so how would I go about getting rid of them?
Letting your water sit will get rid of chlorine but that’s about it, better to spend the extra money (there’s enough for about 500 gallons in the bottle I buy) and get your water conditioned. And as far as the worms, I would either get an organic insecticide like neem oil or get some new medium to grow in entirely. Remember the more you put into it the more you’ll get in return, as of right now they have all the nutes they could possibly need but i would invest in some fox farm soil for once they get a little bigger.