My first grow. Bagseed under 46wT5HO+150wLed


This is my first grow, I took 3 seeds from a bag of some pretty good buds to grow and learn/work on my setup before I germinate my femmed seeds from CO :lol:. The lil ladies(hopefully) broke through the soil Sep.1 and they've been sitting under about 60w of T5HO since then while I wait for my LEDs to arrive. The LED is 150w half white half blue with 3w bulbs, and should arrive sometime next week. I'll be flowering under a 400w HPS. Grow space is about 3x2x4, but I can lift the top shelf higher if things get crazy. I plan to top and SCROG 2 plants at a time in the space. All input is welcome I'm not gonna pretend creeping through the forums makes me an expert so feel free to throw anything my way :]


And I should mention the little one in the middle is injured :/ I was stoned and messing with the wires that will one day be a scrog and are currently holding the light, and it fell right on what used to be the best looking plant, destroyed the top two nodes and leaves, and pretty much ghetto topped the plant for me haha, I just don't know if it'll actually make it...image.jpg


Well-Known Member
don't worry i drop something burn something or generally abuse my plants on accident all the time and they love me for it


Quick update: the plant the light fell on is doin just fine and looks like it pretty much just got fimmed which I'm happy about. The other 2 are doing well but there seems to be some light yellowing on the new leaves, figure it might be time to start adding nutes.. I'm worried about possible nitrogen deficiency. Went ahead and topped the two bigger ones today too, I'll update again when the LEDs arrive next weds-Friday, these T5s just aren't getting it done



image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgAnother update today.. My led won't be coming in today so I have my HPS running until then.. Got the scrog mostly set up too, and a couple days ago I started really training the plants. I plan on topping and using lst to accomplish a sort of main-lining effect :D check it out!


Sorry about the HPS in the pics.. It's an hour before lights go off, and I wanted to update the thread!


image.jpgimage.jpgMade a few small changes to the set up today, and now it's how it will be for the duration of this grow(I think) with the exception of Mylar I'm gonna line it with tomorrow and a couple supplemental warm white/red lights I'm gonna add on either side of the panel for some extra umph during flowering. Repotted the smallest plant and it was definitely root bound :/ which I'm assuming is the cause of it's stunted growth.. Not too sure what I can do to help it out, just gonna let it find it's new growing room and hope itll be alright!


Added a couple 2700k bulbs, thinking about starting flowering at the end of next week.. They seem to have tricks all over the leaves and my room smells like dank, is this unusual in veg??? I plan to add Mylar later this weekend and will update when there's some significant growth :Dimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg


image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgHaven't updated in a long time.. Been very busy setting up a new grow area, much more legit! Here's some pics of the ladies in their new space, and in the first day of flowering!

sorry about the HPS in the pics I'm currently running a 150 watt HPS with my LEDs to get extra red for flower:bigjoint: