My first grow box - frame ready


Well-Known Member
So i've moved to a new place with my best friend. we've dedicated a whole small room (storage and laundry, with water and drainage too). Our landlord lives downstairs which is a bit of a bummer. Instead of using the whole room as a space (is this advised?), we decided to build a large box to make a scrog with my latest acquisition - 1 400w hps with a 4" cooltube and a centrifugal duct fan. all for ~300$ (I do not live in the States though).

So we took out some plans from the web (this is a good one), and bought the beams in the hardware store, this is what it looks like now:

This box is 4'4" high, [3'8" wide X 3' deep]. I plan on doing an 8 plant scrog, pretty much.

So I have the frame, but now i'm thinking about walls, drainage and ventilation.

My primary concern is safety and stealth, of course. This is why I must have all the ventilation holes on one side of the box - so that it isn't seen from the window or by someone entering the room. I'm also not sure about duct sizes and fan placement yet. I have enough fans - 1Xcentrifugal, 2X6" vents, 1X4"vent. My cooltube is 4" in diameter, though. So what I was thinking, to avoid a bottleneck there, my friend came up with having the inline air up to the cooltube with 4" duct, then after tube, increasing diameter to 6" for outline airflow. Any thoughts on that?

As for the walls, we've actually already bought cardboard panels (for architecture students, those whiteboards), but we're having great difficulty making a proper door. I do want two doors, one in the ventilation wall, and one on the other side, to be hidden. We tried hanging the cardboard panel on hinges but it doesn't work too well. We're thinking of going tomorrow and get wooden panels, in hope that they're not too expensive (they're quite thin), and perhaps asking the man there to cut the ventilation holes for us (do you think that could cause suspicion? I am awfully paranoid). If not, we can do it ourselves it just be a bit more difficult.

As for floor and wheels, I just don't know. I tend to overflow when watering, so I need a good drainage solution. I can't place the box right on top of the drain hole in the room, but I can use the floor slope to get the water there, I think. I still don't want the wooden frame to get wet on the way, so wheels might be a good idea in order to keep it up. I then still need a stable strong floor and figure out a way to make all the water run through it without ruining it, or better yet, to save the water for re-use without having the plant sitting in it. any ideas on that?

more questions:

1. Do you reckon I can use the drainage?
2. how is a centrifugal fan better than the cheaper "regular" bathroom vents? From what I understand, it has lower cpm! does that mean it's actually not as good as them?
3. what do you think is the best way to ventilate on a single wall? do you think this is a great disadvantage? I'm planning on a direct inhole --> cooltube --> outhole chain, perhaps with an additional (inline?) vent for the space itself.

well that's it so far. I'd love any advise on the design etc.



Well-Known Member
I can't give advice, but I can give positive reinforcement! :D It's looking good so far! You got this bro. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i bought wooden panels, very expensive, 80$ perhaps. I worked with the guy in the shop (he was very cool and helped me by cutting all the panels for doors etc.. he couldn't do the verntilation holes so i had to that myself at home). i work very hard to put the panels in spot, i did a floor, i will put a picture soon so you can see. i did 4 holes in one wall, two 6" above two 4" below. ok.