My first grow box.


Well-Known Member
kool good to know I was gonna use the root tone I bought at home cheepo but thats good as somthing else to add i won't need that till the spring when I do my g13xhaze. It's' gonna be a hazzy


Active Member
I hope your plants will do great :) Any closeups available? I wonder how zoomed flowering stage looks like :)

Did you count how many flowers you'll have? Maybe try aligning leafs to control the growth?


Well-Known Member
I don't even know how many flowers I will be getting, After the 24 hr lights out the flower growth has been slow. Going into I think the 8th day. Time to take back the lighting schedule another 1/2 hr. whats the alining leaf thing never herd of it? Do you have a link?

Crippled thanks for stoping by.


Well-Known Member
Day 37&38 8th day of flower
Changed res balenced ph and put plants back. dropped the timer back so now we are at 11/13 every 4 days I will drop the lights back 1/2 hour till they reach 8/16. Then 3 days of darkness and then coppin those bitches.


Well-Known Member
I've been around not really posting to much just waiting for my plants to get done. and days to go buy so I can order my tent and lights. which will b next week. Wondering if I should go with 400 or 250. Most likely a 400. taking each day one day at a time till febuary 15th. Its when I can smoke again. peace


Well-Known Member
i was thinking the 400 watt MH Hps system with the easy cool reflector so i can vent the room through the light also. Thanks for the hint. i'll toss ya some rep bro


Well-Known Member
Day 39&40 day 10 of flower

Just added about 1/2 gallong of water to res at 1/2 strength nutes. I will be chaning res in 2 days gonna up bloom nutes a little to one and 1/4 tsp per gal and a 1/2 see how they do. plants are almost 18" if not more maybe less but, around that amount. flower spots are kicking out alittle more. grrr light real cold out there during the day in the 60's but perfect temps at night


Well-Known Member
day 40: 11 of flower
It's a sad day I went out to check on the ladies when I looked at joy and she showed me pollen sacks. I did a close look at both plants up and down and there were clusters all throughout the plant so she got the chop. or he got the chop. It's After the 24hr periode there were some wite hairs poping off of her so instead of male she might of turned hermie but the new chutes that grew since then did not have hairs they had little clusters of sacks. No big deal. I moved the lights around because tess in all the spots were there were clusters on joy are nice hairs. So i don't know kinda werid the whole thing. But, at least I have some new seeds or I would of grown out the male for pollen. just want to get soe dense nugs of Tess.


Well-Known Member
I have always wanted to own my own nice glass water filtration system also know as a bong. I have had a couple hooka's but never a nice glass bong. Well I found it and she will be here soon