MY first grow. CFL. Please look!!!!


Active Member
ok so still even after the nute overdose and i flushed my plants the leaves seem to still be curling on the edges and they are a darker green the the leaves that have recently grown. on my biggest plant i had one of its lower leaves get a couple of those faded burn looking spots on it. and on one of my plants i never even used nutes on (transplanted it to a bigger pot though) is getting those yellow spots on its lower leaves..... my soild ph is fine.... i reaised my lights so that they are about 5 or 6 inches from my talles plant and the room stays around 83 degrees? its driving me crazt that i dont know what is causing it.


Well-Known Member
Think you can post a couple more pix? Cause honestly its probably nothing. The last pix you posted they were looking pretty good


Active Member
2 gallon. that was the biggest thing lowes had for some reason that wasnt clay pots... thats big enough right? i only want them to get about 2.5 or 3 ft tall


Active Member
and thats not just one plant thats 4 of them. they all have that on the lower leaves. and one of them is a plant ive never even given nutes


Active Member
I grow in soilless mix with much added perlite. a sort of hydro hybid I guess. I currently use GH flora series, with occasional fulvic acid, kelp extract, and bud blood. What I'm learning is that there is precious little information about growing this way. What I did to save my ass is buy a cheap PPM meter on ebay. Now mix up your shit till it looks nice and good to you, pick a comfortable ppm number diluting as necessary. Without the meter you'll never know what you're doing, you're guaranteed to overdose. My tap water is around 180 ppm. I add nutes till about 500 ppm. Don't worry too much about the ratios, you're bound to get all the NPK and micro nutrients you need. I water thoroughly when dry and suck the excess out of the drip pan with a turkey baster preventing salt buildup.
Beware of those claiming their strains can take high EC levels. They're talking to experienced and well equipped hydro growers. Even my 500 PPM level is experimental and risky. As your pots dry out, the PPM rises and so does the salt burn. So far, I'm having good luck at this PPM level and don't intend to increase it..


Active Member
ill be honest and tell you i kinda have no idea what you just told me. and im really confused now. i just want to know if the stuff on my leaves is ok and it'll pass or will it continue to spread and is there anything that will stop it. so far its has started to spread over all of the lower leaves ( the ones that were around when i od on nutes) but is it normal for the leaves to show the signs so late even after ive flushed the soil? do i need to flush it again to make sure i got it all out or what. the stuff on the top looks great. a little light in color which kind of worries me because i read about nute deficiencies and light green leaves come up on a few but when i first seen it i assumed it was because the leaves were new but now im worried im wrong. and i hear all about keeping my lights as close as possible without burning my plants but does that still apply with a 20 bulb cfl setup covering only about 7 or 8 sq. feet. i dont want to give them too much light..... maybe im over reacting to it all and i just need to let the damn things grow but this is something i have recently taken up and i actually enjoy doing it and i want to be good at it so against all odds i wanted my first grow to pretty good looking and those crispy burnt ace leaves scare me.


Well-Known Member
To be honest with you it kind of looks like nute burn... but it's not that bad so it should recover just fine...don't give them nutes for a couple of waterings. I didn't think you could give your plants too much light...the sun puts out about 10,000 lumens per sq/ft so your CFLs are running a little short of that. but the only way you're going to get good at something is by fucking it up a bunch of times and figuring out the best way to do it. so don't sweat it too much and learn as you go....if you check out my grow i had no clue what the fuck i was doing....still don't...but none of my plants have died yet so i consider that somewhat succesful...


Active Member
It's salt burn and it's not OK, but it won't spread. Your pots are simultaneously too big and too small, too big to transplant from and too small to grow in. Flushing is the right idea but in your case I fear it will leave you waterlogged. Not a good thing at all. I'd let them dry out a bit then transplant into larger UNDER FERTILIZED containers. Soil just moist, not wet. They'll let you know when they need water. I've been through this, and just potting up into unfertilizsed drier soil has produced for me remarkable results.


Well-Known Member
as long as its not getting worse its all good . every plant does something bad you can do more damage trying to fix it , i say leave it alone and it will heal up fine. easy on the nutes!


Active Member
ok well i feel like i should rule out nute burn. even the plants with no nutes added and the leaves arent touching the soil. completly different set of plants about a week younger than the others in the pics have that yellow and dry spotty shit on their leaves. so on some of them it does infact seem like its spreading..... anything other than nute burn? ive checked the ph and its right at 6.8


Active Member
what is you watter like out there? could it be too much chlorine or sulfer from tap water. i read also in another forum that if you have to use tap water let it sit for 24 hours and the chlorine will evap. from it.....i guess with the ice story there is no leaving water sit too many placeout there. you didnt get too cold did ya? 20 cfl's as long as you still have power after the ice storm they should be nice and toasty. any ways same forum said distilled water mixed wit your nutes no chance of a chem reactionin the water if you have an over abundance of crap in the tap/well or what not. good luck i plan on starting soon my self. have a couple ideas. keep us posted man.....


Active Member
ok well my 3 biggest plants were looking droopyand had the spottedlower leaves and the past few day had shown no sign of growth. so last night i transplanted 4 plants to 5 gallon buckets same soil mix except i used a fair amount of sand in this mix plus perlite because it felt like my other mix was staying moist always. so they looked like shit and i transplanted them, new soil (slightly moist because i didnt have any means of drying it all) and this morning when i woke up the looked a million times better. no droopy leaves, and they have even grown a little in the past 12 hours or so. im assuming my pots were just too small. when i pulled the plants out to transplant its was pretty much a solid mass of roots with not much room for anything else. even the one smaller plant had pushed the pots i had to the limit. so a success story for now with the transplanting and this time i dont think they'll out grow the pots they're in. ill post some pictures in a little bit of the current setup and look of the plants. so thanks to everyone who helped me out but im betting ill run into something else before too long.