My First grow, CFL, total noob


glad to see that you are still going at it. Been a while since I have seen this thread updated! Keep on trying, they might just surprise you yet!
thanks, im hoping so lol. anybody have any ideas whats up with the one plant that hasnt sexed yet, she is worryin me still.


really they werent giving me any reason to worry. i browse the plant problems thread too much i think, lol, keep over analyzing a grow. the girls are looking fine right now, izzie is shooting up pretty quick, great leaf development. her sister has a bunch of nodes popping up but still staying short. (i'll have some pics up soon, i swear lol)
so tax return came in, and im tempted to play around a little. found a HPS lamp at local grow store for 60 bucks, but idk about the hit on the electric bill.
tempted to order some more seeds, try out another strain or two, see if i can improve on 'em and work on my techniques while im nursing these plants.


so i did play a little with my refund, got an HPS from sunlight systems. About a week ago i made the mistake of going on a drunken binge, and didnt wake up for about a whole day, and didnt water the plants. seriousssss drought. both plants were about dead, revived Izzie, her sister has been stunted pretty bad, but izzie has recovered very well. another issue, on some of the old growth, and one or two of the new growths, i've got what looks like burnt/dead tips on the center leaf of the fan leaves. i thought maybe caused by the drought, but maybe someone can identify the deficiency, since thats what i figure it is.

izzie, (the big one) still hasnt sexed, but i figure she's still pretty young and from what i can tell likely the kandy kush strain of the seeds i got. right now they're on a 20/4 light schedule (dont want it to get too cold in there) should i try to drop the cycle and get her to sex, or let her be and let nature take its course?


Active Member
If you have enough vertical room, I would let em go for now. They will show you sex when they are ready to go! Just remember that they will shoot up during the first few weeks of 12-12 and will end up 2-3 times as tall as they are at the start of flowering


so izzie, the kandy kush, is blowing the fuck up so far, shes growing very fast. i actually just topped her, mainly just to see what would happen. i do intend on flowering her, but its all experimental to me.

her auto-flowering sister was apparently permanently stunted after the drought they received, but is crazy because she has over a dozen nodes popped up, all hairy and beautiful. just no more vertical growth at all.

had to turn off my HPS, kept screwing with my camera.

p.s., i guess its not really my noobish CFL grow anymore when i have a 150 HPS, but oh well. lol. 40 bucks for a self contained ballast, bulb, timer, and all, couldnt turn it down.