my first grow cfl


How is everyone doing well i hope. I am super pumped for my first grow. Using home made grow tent with 300 watts cfl. I know its not recommended but i am starting in mg soil then transfering to organic mix with mg nuttes since im poor and low profile from wife lol. Anyway got seeds in from herbies 3 auto skunk 1 royal queen fruit spirit and 2 sleestack skunk. Well im not a expert but so far dam near wasted my money on the advanced auto skunks. Bought 3 and 1 sprouted and died. But fruit spirit is kicking so lets see what happens. Any comments or advise is much appreciatIMG_20120921_205044.jpged.


Active Member
Well, she looks pretty good IMO. I am not one of these anti-MG guys I have used it and it works decently enough. Just be careful with watering, that is the whole trick to MG products. No need to change to a different MG products or add nutes. I used MG potting soil mixed 3:1:1 with MG Perlite and sphagnum. 1 transplant in the whole grow. Don't over think your grow. Nothing has harmed and killed more plants than over excited parents.

My other concern is you say you are on the DL from your wife? There could be some very obvious problems with that. Be careful!

Good Luck and +Rep for first grow.


Well-Known Member
i used the same buckets for my 1st cfl grow lol.. add drain holes man and dont be afraid to get your cfl a little closer to prevent stretching, how many watts you using.. real watts.. not the equivalent


Thanks guys for the input im sure going to need it lol. My wife now knows of my grow and is cool with it woot woot! I hoe she turns out well little scarred to get her closer to the lights don't want to hurt her. Wondering how long it will take before she starts getting big she is day 3 or 4 now. Also my buckets have holes in them and as for watts i think 4 of my cfl are 28 watt and 2 are daylight 75watt. Not sure if i need more lights for one plant.


Active Member
Seedling looks good treat her with lots of care! Use 6500k cfls for veg and you can keep them close to the plant it'll grow lIlIke crazy. Keep a fan blowing through it'll keep those bulbs cool to the touch.


Thanks nickyt for the advice i put the light closer and she freaking loves it! The leafs have almost doubled in size with a day time. Also 2 more leafs are forming :) i will take a pic and post every week and thank you to everyone that is helping give advise i really appreciate it.


So Lily is 5-6 days old now and sleestack skunk seeds have now poped so we shall see what happens. Here is Lily how does she look.


Well-Known Member
What are you going to do about smell while you're on the DL from your wife???? I got a mixture of blue and red spectrums for my grow.... They seem to like it are some recent photos of my grow .... 6 weeks in.....




So here is Lily alittle over a week old i think she is growing pretty good just not sure hope someone can comment and let me know.


Yea its a feminized seed royal queen fruit spirit also growing sleestack skunk but they just poped.thanks for the comment any inside info is appreciated. My first time and all. About to get a 42 watt 5500k bulb today to add to what i got so far
Good luck man looks nice and healthy,think about transplanting to a 2 or 3gal pot soon like in a week or so to its perm home, you should keep the same medium that you started the plant with though, mg is pretty good I had a lot of luck with it on my first grow I planted last week I had 4 plants.