my first grow cfl


Well i am giving her super bloom 1/2 strength every 7 days i will slow down on the nutes and stop completely last 10 days.As for flushing i have flushed her one time so far with one more in those final 10 days. I do have a fan on her and have a pretty thick stem for it i believe. Also have intake fan out fan and homemade co2 generator. With and ofcourse 6 42 watt cfls helps build healthy buds in my short experience. Thank you very much for your comments and interest in my grow i shall keep this up to date till she is cut down and smoked.


Well-Known Member
I'm totally subbed on this thread, lol, one reason is we're both doing CFL grows, and we're only 2 or 3 days apart in flowering. I feed mine FF Sesame full strength whenever she gets thirsty, I haven't flushed in about a week and a half, she seems to LOVE it. I don't have an intake fan or anything, I just use 2 ONA Blocks, they work amazing, makes the house smell good instead of just ventilating the odor. I wish I had more wattage though, will look into it on the next seedlings, but yea, your lady looks absolutely righteous!


Well-Known Member
Damn nice :) ok some questions.
Guys how often do you flush? I read that you need to do that when you switch from veg to flower and somewhere like 7-10 days before harvest and after flushing before harvest you do not feed anymore so the plant uses all the nute leftovers and start using energy from fan leaves(so they start yellowing). But ipeeinpools say that you haven't been flushing her for 1,5week? so how often do you do that?

any comments about it?

I have a computer case fan which is just blowing air to my plant, does not intake or outtake, just mixing existing air and giving pressure for plant to resist to, so she could strengthen stem, but I turn it on every two days just whenever I remember and I am wondering, for one plant is that fan really necessary? as well as CO2, does one plant take all of it from room? boogums do you have co2 generator made with yeast? Did it give you any noticeable improvement? By the way those ONA blocks absorbs only smell? Does your plant really expose that much of odor? :))) If my seed will turn out to be as people were commenting on forums, I will have some pineapple tropic fruit smell, odor won't be a problem hehe...

I had an idea, I've been judging lights on lumen, not on the WATS while buying bulbs and I noticed that lamps like those has pretty nice characteristics. imagine something like this but home made and with a possibility switch between 2700K and 6500K, if premade setup costs about 100$, I believe its possible to make-it-urself for cheaper, 20k lumens... you take a plant, start LST'ing, but bend a plant not in a spiral but along that lamp and put some spiral cfls from sides of the setup, btw actual 42W gives you like ~2700-2800lumens(differs on manufacturer). So I am kind of wondering if you heard about those lamps anything? Thinking wheather I should get them for my next grow, or for the flowering period of my C'99.. Haha imagine making a solarium-bed-cover-like-top of them.. Well its just an idea.. did not come up with a lot of post about those lamps so still wondering if those are any good.. what you guys think?

boogums, you have 42W x6 actual wats?? so its like 16000 lumens??? whoa... no wonder why your plant is so happy


Ok first ipeeinpools thanks for the comments can't wait to seepics of your lady's haven't seen any new ones. Always love to hear from ya brother. Next as for flushing i just flushed to break up any left over nitrogen and what not that wasn't used up. I keep my ph around 6.2-6.8 it's never to late to add some lights ipeeunpools. You can get a 42 watt cfl at walmart 5 bucks walmart brand throw 2 of those in the mix and your set. But i wouldn't buy that t5 lamp for 200 bucks bad deal hell you can get one at lowes or home depot for 130 bucks. Now to your fan deal only turning it on every 2 days is not good should have it on every day. Depending on where you live and your grow you may not need outake fan but my temps ok at 70 but my humidity is like 70 so i need fan to vent and bring it down to 56-60 which is in range. Hope this was some what helpful and thanks again for the comments it really helps.


Well-Known Member
Yea Sim, I agree with Boog. You should keep the fan going constantly, and don't waste your money on that light system. I want to create some sort of light system to sustain 2 plants. And I go by wattage when comparing what I need, but I also get the lights with the highest lumens I can find, lol. I'm working with 8500 lumens and 130 watts. The ONA blocks work amazing, otherwise she has a skunky smell that fills the house!!

I simple haven't flushed after feeding lately because twice now, I found a film of some sort on the top of the water, so I kept dumping the water, refilling, and letting it sit. I've come to the conclusion though that I think it's the container that's doing it. But I'm not positive. I'll be flushing today, I just grabbed a bottle of water for now. Her's a few pics of the lady today!

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That is looking so good dam fine looking girl you got there you have to be getting excited by now lol. Hell we may finish the same day maybe think i have 24 more days.


Well-Known Member
Depending on how quickly she matures fully, I think I have a little more than 6 weeks left. Which sucks, because that will put harvest at just before Christmas (which would NOT be the worst Christmas present!) But I'm flying out to CO to visit family for Christmas week...So I'd have to trust my wife to do the drying, trimming and curing...


Well-Known Member
GREAT advises, appreciate it!

About the light, yeah, I just pasted quick google result to show what I mean, if I would go to the store and buy some separate parts, it would be way cheaper, definitely less than 100$, still a lot so maybe you guys are right, it's just that I live in place where I cannot find any Y connectors and strongest CFL I found so far was 30 actual wats, and it costed 20$.. quite a lot I would say. So far I am ok with 6500K 25W cfl and 18W LED, since plants are very small, in flower I have 25 and 30 wats 2700K cfls so I will need to get some more I guess :)

I've been feeding my girl with ~6ph, difficult to come up with one number, cause some people recommend 5.8, others 6.5.. Probably I will stick with your version since I see how well she looks :)

Fan is another thing, comparing to humidity which I was facing in US, SC, Netherlands is way more dry, I barely have 30%, I keep some bowls of water, try to spray the surface of the ground and foliage, but with a heater and a fan it dries even quicker, so I was turning fan off just to keep the air more humid. I will try to keep a fan and check out the difference.

ipee, your plant is as well amazing, jesus guys you made some homework while growing it :) gratz on that. At first my friend was growing as well and I wasn't diving too much in forums, but when he quit, growing became way less entertaining, it is so nice when you can share your experience and checkout other progresses :)

Guys, after flushing, after how many days you start watering plants again? don't want to stick my fingers too deep since I can harm my plant roots :)

haha wife's going to trim and manicure lol :) looks like we three have family gardens where wifes also participate..

oh btw, what kind of high you expect from your girls? like philosophically couchlocking or energetic giggly trippy etc?
I harvested my plant 3 weeks ago and yelded 1 gram lol :D 3 months of overwatering the plant and doing all those crazy mistakes and this is what you get
still the taste and the high was very nice. here's a pic of a closeup of those tasty crystals

You guys rock with your results, very helpful comments, you got my respect and attention! thanks

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
Ph 6.5 in soil. You said you want to do a dwc next grow? Well with hydro you want 5.8ish you want it to move around ph down to 5.5 and let is rise to about 6.1 before adjusting, hydro is not easy at first you will need a good ph meter and a good ppm (tds) meter, there are pros and cons to hydro. If your growing for personal use hydro for cash soil for stash! Just remember that hydro might give you some trouble at first but you can get it dialed in but your first grow will most likly be rough, have you ever looked into hempy buckets? It's all the benifits of hydro but easy like soil there's a thread on here called world of hempy take a look its a very good way to grow and super simple!!


Well-Known Member
I water/feed on the basis of when my pot is dry. I go by the weight of my plant method, I check it every day and when it's dry, I let it go a day longer, then feed. Once I get my water resevoir back to normal, I'll go back to feeding 100% for 2 feedings, then flush. And I've heard that not flushing before harvest isn't the worst thing, just gives a chemically taste, but I'll flush mine for about 10 - 14 days, I prefer a natural bud flavor. I enjoy both coughlock and energetic highs, but coughlock puts me to sleep more and I normally only smoke when I get home from work at 1am or 2am so I'll go for that high. Plus, it makes running around on Borderlands 2 interesting, lol. I've noticed a few of my pistols burning at the ends which I'm attesting to not flushing the chemicals out of the soil fast enough, so I will probably go for a 1 to 1 ratio of flushing/feeding for a week or 2.


she is getting so big and smelly. You smell nothing but fruity weed on the first 2 levels of my house lol. Wounder how much we will get off her. Any guess? We can make a game out of it. Lets see ipee i say you get 15 grains.


Well-Known Member
oh fuck yea we can make a game outta this! I'm going on a scale of .3 grams per watt, so I'm shooting for just under an ounce and a half!! Your girl looks absolutely amazing! any branching buds?


She has hella' branches with lots of buds just not sure how big they are going ti get my gallon bucket is full of roots so much that they are trying to come threw the top so i put some more soil in but im afraid the buds won't get much bigger in the bucket shes in but don't want to risk anything trying to transplant at 5th week of flowering. So i say i take away dry 5-8 grams.


Well-Known Member
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She has hella' branches with lots of buds just not sure how big they are going ti get my gallon bucket is full of roots so much that they are trying to come threw the top so i put some more soil in but im afraid the buds won't get much bigger in the bucket shes in but don't want to risk anything trying to transplant at 5th week of flowering. So i say i take away dry 5-8 grams.
You should take away much more than that my friend, depending on your wattage and how carefully you take care of her, shoot for .3 grams per watt. If you only get an quarter ounce from her, then something is wrong. But damn, she looks good man. A lot of people would love that kind of result from a first grow.


You really think this is a good first grow? I mean i didn't die so guess that's good but i doubt it is that good of a grow compared to everyone else but i am trying and just want to say thank you me and the wife love hearing from everyone when people say nice things about Lilly makes us feel good cuz i have put alot of love into her. Thanks again but back to the game we are playing... how many grams do you think i will get dry weight?


Well-Known Member
Hell yea Boog, she's healthy, bushy, her bud sites look amazing right now, you put the time and effort into researching a proper technique. I've read so many first time grows that get nute burned, spider mites, deficiencies, not enough lights, not a big enough pot, using the wrong soil, lack of nutes IN the soil...Your lil Lily is a hell of a good plant. if you go by the .3 grams per watt, you might get 2.5 ounces? just depends on how well you treat her.


She is only 1 foot 9 inches tall and wide with 198 watts at .3 grams a watt means like 52 grams no freaking way im getting 2 oz off Lilly being that small. Right?