my first grow (CFL)


Well-Known Member
I live someone where the conditions are great for it, unfortunately they do not make a plant that can withstand my pests (kids).

Maine Outdoors

New Member
Nice grow bro. Its looks like it's doing well so far, because of only using cfl's your yield might not be a great amount but otherwise very nice! Good luck in the next few months


OK so I set-up my ventilation fan and tubing into my attic. It was real easy because all I had to do was cut a 4 inch whole in the plank of dry-wall covering the craw hole to the attic. nice booster fan on the other end of tubing sitting on the top shelf in the corner where I feel the air usually ends up. I'm liking the set-up, can't wait to get going on this Karamelo! (sorry for blurry pics)




New Member
whats going on man I'm a first time grower and I'm just using random seeds that i had gotten from random bags that i have bought, I do not know the strain of the plant it came from but as it show's in the picture both of my top leafs are folding in. Right now I'm growing in soil that has drainage control and some nutrients in it already but right now I do not have the money to go an buy nutrients from the grow store but I did get some plant food and mixed it in when i transplanted it to a bigger pot. I have been doing my research everyday trying to find different things i can feed it and I can not find nothing as of right now. some people are saying banana peels, worms etc. so I dont know what else to do. So if you have any knowledge on this situation and you could help me out that would be a big help for me.. thanks and sorry for all the typing...




Well-Known Member
Might want to start your own thread so you don't hijack turners :)

You can pick up some MiracleGrow tomato fert for dirt cheap and use that, just start slow and stay away form the time release stuff and it will work fine.


Might want to start your own thread so you don't hijack turners :)

You can pick up some MiracleGrow tomato fert for dirt cheap and use that, just start slow and stay away form the time release stuff and it will work fine.
yes if you look at my plant, this is the result of using MiracleGro Tomato ferts... works great IMO. and cheap. people hate on MiracleGro but my whole grow is indeed MiracleGro. just be careful not to over-feed with the ferts, especially if if you're using a soil with nutrients already in it, as this can cause nutrient burn.


Well-Known Member
Turner, I am no expert but looks like a pretty good mix of the two. It shows both traits so I wouldn't know which is more dominant.

Josh, looks like a bit to much water as well. What you might want to do is go grab some MG fert and perlite for the soil. Don't give it to much water, it is very easy to over-water and even more so when you do not have enough perlite. The best way to tell if it needs water is by pot weight, or you can stick your fingers in the soil and make don't water until the first couple inches of soil is dry. On the frets, start at 1/4 strength every 3rd watering. Different plants uptake nutrients at different rates, so you have to watch the leaves to see how well they are taking them in. There are tons of charts out there to help you diagnose symptoms from how the leaves behave.

Constant moisture is a killer, particularly if your medium is not properly aerated. Make sure you have good drainage in the bottom of the pot also.


New Member
so i just gotta use the miraclegro ferts and i'll be good right? also does anyone know of any LEGIT seed bank cause im trying to get some female seeds


Well-Known Member
Looks good, those fan leaves look huge. Have you gotten your 600W room up and running yet? I bet she would love that extra light.


Looks good, those fan leaves look huge. Have you gotten your 600W room up and running yet? I bet she would love that extra light.
shit happened on the ship to me house and it all got broke, so i'm in the process of getting all that squared away. I did however buy another 105 watt CFL fixture so that's helping out alot.