Turner, I am no expert but looks like a pretty good mix of the two. It shows both traits so I wouldn't know which is more dominant.
Josh, looks like a bit to much water as well. What you might want to do is go grab some MG fert and perlite for the soil. Don't give it to much water, it is very easy to over-water and even more so when you do not have enough perlite. The best way to tell if it needs water is by pot weight, or you can stick your fingers in the soil and make don't water until the first couple inches of soil is dry. On the frets, start at 1/4 strength every 3rd watering. Different plants uptake nutrients at different rates, so you have to watch the leaves to see how well they are taking them in. There are tons of charts out there to help you diagnose symptoms from how the leaves behave.
Constant moisture is a killer, particularly if your medium is not properly aerated. Make sure you have good drainage in the bottom of the pot also.