My First Grow, comment please.


Active Member
So i started this plant some time in early december, lol, it wasnt planed, it was just like, hey im going to grow some weed! So i found the seed in which it came from in my friends carpetand it was some bagseed from some middies he and a friend had smoked. I have the plant in my closet in a setup i made myself, it may not be perfect, but i used what i got. I have a 23 watt cfl over a plastiv tote covered in aluminum for ferlection (im workin on the white paint/panda paper) and i will sooon get a hps bulb. But this is what i got so far, so comment what you think, any tips or hints apreciated, as long as your not a dick face about it. Thanks, i will update every once in a while.:weed::weed:



Well-Known Member
Looks good so far might want to add a couple more lights. Tin foil is not a good idea it reflects heat not light, but white paint will work good. Make sure you only water as needed. Put your finger about a inch in the soil to check.


Active Member
Looks good so far might want to add a couple more lights. Tin foil is not a good idea it reflects heat not light, but white paint will work good. Make sure you only water as needed. Put your finger about a inch in the soil to check.
yeah, i do that, i had just watered it so i decided to take some pictures while its out, and im working on the lights and the paint., thanks for the input


New Member
I agree with Nocturn. Looks overwatered. Sign is the curled under leaves. How often do you water it? Do you use the lift a pot watering indicator? (Lift the pot and it it feels light, water it). Looks a little stretchy too but that might be the strain and the low light or light position for now. Keep that CFL an inch or so above the plant. It's not hot enough to burn it in any way. You can hold that CFL in your hands all day. And I know this sounds strage but you might consider clipping the very top ( not all of the top - just the very tip of it like 3/4 of the top leaf cluster). They call that FIM for F*** I missed. Leave the little top stem and just a bit of the top leaves. You do this to force it to bush out. It grows new tips on both sides of your cut and you get 3 tips ( 2 new and the one you left part of that will grow out again) for the price of one. In fact you can do all growing tips once a week until about two weeks before you plan to flower it. Increases your yield by plenty. I'm getting 3oz per plant when the strain says 1.5 to 2 should be expected. You can mount that HPS now if you want. Just because it's best for flowering doesn't mean it is not valuable now. Technically they call that multi spectrum lighting. If you do use the HPS start it out high ( not you, the light) and move it a little closer each day and use the hand test to determine if it gets too hot. The hand test is putting your hand between the HPS and the top of the plant. Hold it there for a minute or two and if you're still comfortable, your plant will be too.


Active Member
thanks guys, but no, im checking the watering by seeing if the soul is dry down an inch, then il water it, and thanks for the tips on cutting it, can i cut the leaves in the middle too? like the ones with the burns on em? and the reason im not using the hps is becaise i dont have the lamp yet, all i have is the bulb. i water the plant maybe once or twice a week, depending on the soil's moisticity.


Active Member
and could u please show berore and after pics of you trimming them so i know what to do and where exactly to cut? thanks thad be really helpfull


New Member
FIM Technique
There is a topping method known as the FIM technique. If you push the leaves apart at the very top of the plant you should see a small bud (not flowering bud but an actually leaf bud). Use a pair of nail clippers to pinch off about 3/4 of the bud. This should result in more than two top colas being developed. In a single FIM clipping you can produce up to eight new top colas.
The origins of this technique are humorous. As the story goes, FIM was discovered accidentally when a grower messed up a topping exercise. FIM stands for: "Fuck I Missed".

Blog Entries: 1

What is the FIM technique?
Some growers are now using the "FIM technique" as a way to get more growing shoots per each time you top. The strategy involves cutting off 90% of the growing shoot and leaving 10% intact. From that 10%, up to 8 more branches can emerge. This is useful for those growing SCROG style or those wanting lots of clones from a mother plant.

A shows the tradional method of topping: cutting the whole node off cleanly, to induce the stalk to split into two. But diagram B indicates to make the cut below the center of the node, leaving about 10% intact. This is the key, because the vegetation left behind has cells that are rapidly dividing in many different directions. This can lead to as many as EIGHT tops from a single pruning.

Additional image contributed by: Bubbasix



Active Member
these are my plants at 3 weeks. They are now 6 weeks old and two feet tall. It is a very good idea to top them after they get they're five leaves. Where the two branches split at the top cut off the middle. This will give you two tops(the top two branches) and will increase your yield and make the plant very bushlike but it will stay about the size it is when you top it off. I jnust harvested a plant at 3 feet tall and was only suppose to get 300grams but got 500. And try the Superthrive fertilizer you get it at walmart, really good shit, World champion fertilizer its like 5 or six bucks and mixes up 2000 gallons with water. Hope it helps.