My first grow, decided on a PC setup.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys a little update again.

Last time I posted about having to get rid of the first two seeds I planted, which I did indeed have to do. So I germ'd one more seed last night and put it in dirt today and it is already began to show above the dirt! I am way excited again! Hah.

It is kinda hard to see in the pic, but it is definitely poking its head up!

I am confident that I buried the last two seeds way too deep, and that I didn't even give them a shot at life... :/

But this guy is my new hope! More updates to come down the road.



Well-Known Member
You better hope it's not a guy :wall: lol

Gratz on getting one to sprout though, your grow is now underway! Don't fuck it up :P
Hah! Well played..

So not too much of a change since the last update. The seed has still poked its head above the soil but hasn't sprouted. Should I start getting worried again? Geez lol

I haven't watered the soil again and it has been 3 days. The top soil is pretty dry but the soil below seems to be kind of moist, maybe I should give it a good watering and it will do its thing?

Cya guys!


Well-Known Member
Well guys I need some advice, I am not sure what it is I am doing wrong, I am pretty positive this little lady lady is way behind, and I am not sure if she is even growing anymore.

So just to back up to day one, which was last Friday, the sprouted seed was put in the dirt and it popped above the ground. The seed that I am not sure if it is normal or not, but now I can see a bit of a root or mini greenish stalk coming up from the dirt, yet the on the end of the plant the cracked seed is at the head and hasn't fully sprouted. It's like it hasn't or can't fully shed the seed shell? Does that make sense? The pics below can somewhat show it, but it is still kind of hard to see.

It has been watered twice within the past week, and I have been misting the top soil here and there. Any advice guys? Thanks!



Active Member
Dude i'm sorry to hear that these seeds didn't popped also.
Maybe you can plant some bagseeds to see if they pop (plant one or two at a small pot next to your fem plants).
I have never germinated any seed (first grow is clones :P ) so not much experience to help.
You can also try to gently remove the shell from the seedling. In the future try to do this before you put the seed in the soil.
Tip:Get a piece of thin sandpaper, and create a cylinder with it. Put the seeds you plan to germinate inside, close the two holes and shake it :)
Thus you crumble the shell slightly and you help the pland sprout easier.
idk if this is the reason. Maybe the temp and humidity is not good enough or you were unlucky and got some problematical seeds.
The important part is that you have to keep on trying and dissipate your boubts :)



12/12 is what kicks it into flowering. You don't want to go 12/12 unless you're sure it's time to flower. For veg I've gathered that it's just a personal preference to go 24 hrs or 18/6. I'd go with what Dragon311 says, half way. Don't want to run out of room before all's said and done.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys a little update. So I feel I have been cursed or I am just TERRIBLE at this, but I am going to keep at it!

So here is the third try, second day in, almost 48 hours on the nose since it has been in dirt, pics below.

So this girl sprouted and was showing green leaves within 36 hours, and it was looking really perky last night. Now look at the pic....what the hell!? Soil doesn't seem like it needs water, but again, I am not great at this yet. So I need some quick help...does it look over-watered? under-watered?

Thanks guys!​



Well-Known Member
Hey guys a little update. So I feel I have been cursed or I am just TERRIBLE at this, but I am going to keep at it!

So here is the third try, second day in, almost 48 hours on the nose since it has been in dirt, pics below.

So this girl sprouted and was showing green leaves within 36 hours, and it was looking really perky last night. Now look at the pic....what the hell!? Soil doesn't seem like it needs water, but again, I am not great at this yet. So I need some quick help...does it look over-watered? under-watered?

Thanks guys!​
Gratz man!

Patience and stability is all I can say at this point. By stability I mean keep the temperature and humidity at the correct don't want too big of a swing between your high/low temps. It's going to be a few boring days or weeks really. Don't even think about giving her any kind of nutrients yet. And hopefully your soil doesn't have any nutes in it either. You shouldn't have to feed her until those cotyledon (those first round leaves that came from the seed) start yellowing and shriveling up. Their function is to supply the seedling with food, that's why you won't need to feed her for a while.

Continue to give her water when she needs it. You'll have to be careful of under/over watering with soil...I'm of no help with soil, I've only used coco so far. (btw coco is great for beginners as its damn near impossible to over water with coco)


Active Member
Hello brother. I can't imagine why this is keep happening to you.
May i ask what soil do you use? I just thought that if your soil is too rich at nutients
maybe it's harmfull for the plant. Maybe i'm wrong and thinkin crazy :P (Maybe cuz i'm stoned :P)
One thing is sure. Don't give up :P (try to be positive for your baby sprouting, i use to play some guitar to my plants to make them happy :) )


Well-Known Member
I just skimmed most of the thread, I don't think anyone has asked what soil he specifically bought. If so and I missed it...blame the :bigjoint: lol

I'm thinking if no seedlings are making it past the first few days then maybe the soil is hot? Seedlings are sensitive little things that need an inert medium to start off in.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for the responses, been pretty busy the past couple days so here is a little update with some pics. As far as the soil goes it is by Burpee, and is an organic seedling mix, so I don't think that is the issue, but hey I am definitely not sure. The girl seems to be doing better I guess, check out the pics below.

I have actually decided to switch the setup around a bit, and I need some more advice (shocker lol). Today my 150W HPS from Sun Systems came and I am wondering if I should immediately throw this little lady under it, or if she is just fine under the CFLs for a while? I have a closet I am going to use and this is the plan...

Hang the 150W in the closet, AND throw CFLs up and down the sides of the plant, I mean the more Lumens the better, right? I also bought a humidifier and some mountable fans for the closet for air movement. I know this is a big switch from the PC case, but the other day I just said fuck it, if I am going to do this I want to go for a decent long as I don't fuck it up anymore lol.

Two big questions:

1. What is IDEAL humidity in everyone's opinion? I seem to get varied answers all over online.

2. How long does it take to figure out watering? lol Too wet is more dangerous to the plan then too dry, correct?

Again guys, thanks for the help!



Well-Known Member
1. Not sure on humidity, it's one of those things that's kind of beyond your control to a degree. Like you already said your answers will vary.
2. You'll learn as she gets older to watch for the signs she gives. And correct. Dryness encourages the roots to branch out and seek more water.

Definitely do not throw the seedling under the 150HPS. Wait until she's got some growth going, I'd say a couple internodes at the earliest, personally I'd wait till 4 or 5 nodes.


Active Member
It finally popped :)
As for the humidity a general opinion is veg>=50%/flo<=50%.
But as dragon said it's not under your total control especially under these conditions (i've noticed at my box that stronger ventilation can lower humidity).
However i use leds and the things will be different at your setup with the hps (it's gonna get hot in there :P ). The main point is that as your buds grow it's better to have low humidity so they do not rot. But everything around 50% i think will be ok for full cycle :)
peace :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just another quick update with a new pic, nothing too crazy to report. For some reason there is a tiny little yellow, what looks to be fry mark, on one of the leaves. I think I may have left her a little too close to the CFLs overnight one night. Other than that, she is definitely growing since the last pic and looks fairly perky from what I can tell. Not sure if she is behind at all or not since this is my first grow.

I have the 150W HPS waiting to cracked open too when she gets a little bigger! Can't wait to give that thing a whirl!

Well here's the pic, any comments are appreciated as usual. Thanks guys!



Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, so we are at two weeks exactly since the seed went in the dirt. I am not sure if she is behind or not, some input on that would be nice. Other than that I think she is doing OK. As you can see in the pic below I have started to train her a little bit, and the little leaves from the seedling have now yellowed and almost completely shriveled up and gone. (From what I understand this is normal.) The only issue I see is that little bit of what I still think is a burn mark on one of the leaves, still not sure though...

Oh and the black speck on the leaf is just a soil particle that got on her from spraying her down prior to taking the pic. :)

I need a little advice on what my next big steps should be. Have already slowly started some minor LST, and still have just been giving her some water when I think she needs it. Any thought on when I should transplant to a permanent pot, and when I should start giving her a little bit of nutes? I still need to order them so I am going to go ahead and do that very soon.

I'll have another update soon. Cya guys!

