
Well-Known Member
they are just starting to recover from the "Trimming Disaster of 2009" haha jk bro. That's why they may look "behind", just had to recover from the trim and maybe delayed a little. Now that they have recovered though, the next few days should be very exciting. Should explode with pistils over the next few days. Just keep at it, also that extra bit of nitrogen (grow nutrient) could have confused them a little, next res change go by whatever your feeding schedule prescribes and they should be alright. They have definitely recovered and don't look like they need the extra "grow" nutrient. All things considered you're right on track!



Well-Known Member
I'm glad you think that my flowering ladies look good. Do I still look a bit behind on flowering for this far in? I feel like it's not a big deal if I'm behind right? It just means that I will have to flower longer?
these ladies look good man. i would say max they look two weeks behind but that is very much strain an stress dependant. all in all they look good nice lil pistil startin up. just like rusty up there said in the next week or two i bet your gunna see crazy development. im growing nirvana's snow white right now as well. i just hit week 5. i can try and figure out the pic shit if u wanna try to compare. you did the scrog so its not exactly the same mine sit around 40in. but it may give you a sorta idea on how behind you are. from my experience maybe two weeks max and i have a feeling this really is a 8-9 week strain instead of the 9-11 weeks stated.


Well-Known Member
so in other words im willing to bet you will be done right around the 9 week mark especially with how fast DWC usually is. i had to switch to ebb and flow cuz the roots became too big too fast and it kept my last run at like 28in. finished.


Well-Known Member
Shack, it was a disaster, it's all good. Luckily I played God and destroyed them, and then fixed them. They LOVEEEE the new lights. They are perky as hell and a lot of growth over night.

Smoke, the mother is Snow White, the flowering ladies are bag seed, if you read through the journal (I dare you, so many posts =P) you'll notice I fucked up and killed 4/5 snow white and I just have the one as my mother haha.

Thanks for the kind words though guys, I'm looking forward to them turning around a bit too.


Well-Known Member
Well, they are still doing really well, but I think that the SCROG may not have actually been that productive. Regardless how many times I clipped and bent and such, the lower colas are not growing anywhere near the level that the top colas are. Starting to think this is gonna be a lil' baby harvest haha. If the scrog doesn't fill out nicely, then I will definitely be done with it. Actually, I think I may be done with it in general. It's a cool concept, but it's not working how I expected. It also makes it really difficult to do my daily maintenance to them and big momma.


Well-Known Member
Well I think you knew from the beginning thus was hardly the ideal scrog. You've had to use a pretty difficult screen and have had ups and downs with your plant. Simply having it flowering before the screen is half full is a problem, so anyhing afterwards is a learning experience eh.

I really think you should find some chicken wire and set up a bigger/easier scrog next round, and don't flip to 12/12 until your screen is adequately full. Or do you have plans?


Well-Known Member
Well the thing is that the flowering plants are just bag seed. The only reason that I even started growing them is because I was too impatient to wait for my mother to grow so that I could clone from her haha. Now that she is ready, well ready by now, I am in a bit of a situation. I have some dank mother potential, but no cloning regime set up yet. I also didn't even have them grow into the scrog to be honest. I didn't know that is how it was done. They were grown, and I trained them to the scrog as opposed to them growing into it. The biggest thing is that my space is just too small to deal with it. I can literally BARELY get to my mother to work on her because that fucking screen is in the way. That is another reason that I have found myself neglecting my mother; I just physically can't stand the extensive effort needed to even take a ph test. That being said, after these are done, I'm going pure clone. I want to run 4 clones at a time, and I think I may just do the one cola deal. If I get the clones flowering soon enough they shouldn't get all that big. I think I will be satisfied with that instead of scroging again.

Also, I think that my dad is making me stay in this house for my Senior year too. I wanted to get a new place, but he says this one is too cheap and convenient. It's his dollar, so it's his word. That means that I can keep my grows going perpetually for at least a year which is going to be a lot of fun. Basically, come January, once this crop is gone and done with, I will be kicking into a nice Snow White perpetual system that I can hopefully get balls deep into.


Well-Known Member
I also noticed today that I am starting to get some speckling and some yellowing around some of the colas. i think that is due to that extra micro nutrient. I am going to do a new dose of nutes tomorrow most likely and try to set them straight.


Active Member
hey there Tmsculli it Looks like your about to be in need of some HEALTHY CLONES. Ive been watchin your grow for some time now maybe we can help each other..cloning is sooo easy... Im where you were on page 1 . I have some of Nirvanas Blue Mystic and a few others, that i havnt started a thread on yet. But I do have Thread on a CLONE from a BUDDED plant that im REVEGGING here at my RIU. theres also some great links and info.. Check these out.. I havnt cloned in it yet but the seedlings did great!! An inexpenseve yet Affective investment .. Heres a couple pics of my make do wally world set up for my one clone untill one of these kits got here.

hope the best for your grow..



Active Member
ohh And I didnt want to piss up your thread, Ha Ha
But I was hoping to strike some interest from some of these others that have been following ..


Well-Known Member
Not very appreciated brother. Please don't troll around, although I think I like your little clear plastic tub area haha.

Regardless, Day 28 Flower for the ladies and they are loving these new lights. Here are some pictures. The biggest buds are in the way back where I can't get a close up picture

^This is the big one, I can't get a close up shot sadly

What do you guys think?


Active Member
NOT VERY APPRICIATED!!??? I offer my help with the next phase of your grow!!! And thats what i get??? Did you even read anything i said? your a JERK..


Well-Known Member
now your really not appreciated. haha
any ways lookin good sculli. not too many hairs but it looks like it'll some dense nugs. im excited for you!!!! so when are you gunna clone up some SW's? I'm tellin ya, your gunna love how hairy an crystaly they get!!!


Well-Known Member

OK I will tell ya this, Most people will say you just cut off 1/4 of your yield. You need leaf to create buds. In a scrog you remove some leaf yea. you take the leaf under the screen and all the lower shoots that didnt make it passed the top of the screen.

The leaf above the screen is kept because that leaf is getting light. Now light will penetrate one leaf and still get to the leaf under it but thats it. The leaf under that where there is no light becomes nutrient storage for the plant. It doesnt help the plant at this point but it doesn't hurt either. Later in the grow when the plant does not get what it needs from you it moves the nutrients in the lower leaf to where it needs it. Thats when they turn yellow and die.
So, now you have a better idea of what they do. Cut off the extra and leave some for what they are intended for.

OK, now. all is not lost. I will share something with you.
I had a grow years ago in my yard, I had plants that were just starting to bud and I wanted some smoke for a party i was going to. I stripped all the leaf off one of the plants. all the leaf. I figured it would die but I wanted smoke.

That plant took a while but it came back, the leaf that grew was smaller and the buds larger then the other five plants in the end. I called that one Elephant bud to give you an idea. (this was way before all the strains of today)

So here is what I recommend you do, Look closely at all those ties you made. Some look to small once these start to fill out the stems are going to need more room. Just from looking at the pics I would say they will need twice the room that you left them.

Stretching has stopped. Now you will be growing colas. Do not top anything.

If you still need to remove a male and can see the root system give it a tug, you may be able to pull it out, dont be afraid to get your hands in there and separate them.
If you need to cut one to make it happen cut the living root. It will grow back.
Leave as much as possible but you dont want to leave dead root in there.

Thanks for doing what you did man. I will love to see what happens. I have often though of Elephant man and SCROG but never had the balls to cut it that close.

Oh yea, One last thing. Most monitors are 1028 wide and you need a bit of margin. When you resize your pics dont go over 900 pix wide. That way your journal is more uniform and people dont have that dam scroll bar at the bottom of the page. I crop and then resize. I use the 800 x 600 option makes things much eaiser to read.


Well-Known Member
nothing to say right now, but i'm still here! those pics look good to me bro. just keep at it, and don't stress, when you garden in a negative state of mind you naturally make worse decisions, through neglect or lack of care. when you're positive, you send off those vibes through careful attention to detail. don't sweat it bro, you're just growing a weed in a closet.. just think of the smoke later, learned my lesson from my first grow, don't bring negativity to your grow room.
