Well, I just did a full nute swap on the flowering girls. They are 100% and hopefully this will help them take off a bit. Even with full doses, the tank is only at 1000ppm, so I may try to climb a bit later this week and see what happens. The Mother is getting huge and not liking being all cramped up so I need to do some big pruning and hopefully get some clones off of her. I am looking at it now and I just have one more question about my cloner. How much bubble action do I need? I know that the underside of my inserts (styrofoam, whichever you choose) should be wet on the bottom from the spray. That being said, are we talking moist, or like...soaked. If we need soaked, then I need to buy a better airstone. I am just making sure that what I have will suffice. I am going to take 2 cuttings now and put them in my new thicker styrofoam collars, be sure to mist them, and see what happens.
Possibly pictures later, as of right now I'm juggling this and getting stuff together for work.