My First Grow: DWC in Grow Box w/ 250 HID Bulb (Open Thread)


Well-Known Member
Alright, check out these pics taken over the last few days...

1. One of Lois Lane's (AK 48 ) smaller, but more beautiful cola. I can't stop eyeing up this bud.

2. Lois Lane's biggest cola

3. LL's main stem

4. JG's stem

5. MJ's stem

6. Three colas in this pic of the two Master Kush. Foreground is one of Mary Jane's, the back two are Jean Grey's.

7. And last but not least, just for you jigfresh... BIG picture of the twins.



Well-Known Member
Man... you rock.

That first pic finally does your plants justice. I can see all the crystals I knew were there. In about a week you can try a dried bud of your own stuff.

Nice job.


Active Member
+rep for you! I have been following your thread and it has answered a lot of my questions regarding the final days of flowering. For my own dwc grow, I'm 4 weeks into flowering and have another 5 remaining. Just looking at your efforts makes me so impatient. Love the talk about the trichs too. Congrats bro and thanks Jig for sharing the good advice. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
+rep for you! I have been following your thread and it has answered a lot of my questions regarding the final days of flowering. For my own dwc grow, I'm 4 weeks into flowering and have another 5 remaining. Just looking at your efforts makes me so impatient. Love the talk about the trichs too. Congrats bro and thanks Jig for sharing the good advice. Cheers!
wvoider, thanks for the rep. be patient with your grow, it will come soon enough. i will admit, at around the 2-4 week flowering point, i found my own patience dwindling. but believe me, once you get near the end, your patience will come right back and it will totally pay off.

do you have a journal yourself? if not, any pics or any threads? feel free to drop me a line anytime you have questions. though i'm still a newb, i can at least give you my input based on my experience.

let me know if you have your own thread, would love to follow yours, as well.


Well-Known Member
Don't know about the leaf... it could just be from the flush. That's what I would assume.

I would think this weekend would be good for the two. I don't think you really miss the peak... I mean I don't know, haven't read, but I think the deterioration is much slower than the build up if you know what I mean. So like if they are 80% amber this weekend and you really want to wait till next week, I don't think things will be not as good.... maybe just more couch lock.

I think this weekend for the two and next weekend for the last. How awesome.
Sweet! Thanks Jigfresh. The only time I really have this weekend will be Sunday, so looks like that will be D-Day part 1. 7 days enough for the flush for those two plants?

As for that leaf, yeah, I suspected the flush... but got totally creeped out by those weird texture. Was afraid of some sort of fungus so I ripped the leaf out immediately.


Well-Known Member
7 days will be just fine. Man I'm excited for you. I know you know... but don't throw away your trim and stems and all.

Just a few more days.


Well-Known Member
7 days will be just fine. Man I'm excited for you. I know you know... but don't throw away your trim and stems and all.

Just a few more days.

Sweeeeeeet! As for throwing away... is that in regards to police? Or for making hash?

Also, I've been doing a lot of research on harvesting... one school of thought says to manicure before hanging. Other school of thought says to just cut the plant, leave all the leaves as is, and then manicure after drying. In your experience, what works best?


Well-Known Member
I meant don't throw away so you can use it for other things. I figured you were more intelligent than to let everyone know you are growing.

As for trimming. I beleive the guys that say leaves on makes for a better, more even dry.... but I found it much harder to trim dry bud than a wet one.

Plus by the time it was dry I didn't want to do any more. Just wanted to jar it and move on to the next thing. Also when it's dry and you are messing with it so much, a lot of crystals fall off... and I don't like that. One thing I love about my own bud is that it hasn't been handled much. All the loose crystals are for the most part still on the buds. Just one set of hands has touched all my stuff... and even then I only touched it to cut it down, then to trim it, and that's it. I don't really touch anything when I cut it off the branch when dry, just clip it into a pile and weigh... then into the jars.

Go ahead and try a branch without trimmig and see what you think when it's dry. You can do the second part of the harvest the way you like it best.

One more tip about trimming. I cut all my leaves with my scissors aiming down. So I don't cut across a leaf, or up under a leaf, but I pin it's center down with the tip of the scissors and clip. I've found that the best way to get really close without hitting any buds.

Good spring loaded scissors with a very sharp, small tip is crucial. If you don't have any go to Michaels and drop $15 on one. The sharper the 'tip' the better to get in there.


Active Member
There are a few pics of mine in my profile but I haven't started much regarding threads. The one reply I received regarding late use of co2 was enough. As I get closer to harvest, I'll update my album with more pics. So far so good with my current grow (the church and gbomb in dcw 5 gal buckets). Only prob (I think) is the higher humidity level (70-80%) with lights off. No signs of mold, with lights on the humidity drops to 45-50%. Anyway, keep the updates coming buddy.


Well-Known Member
I meant don't throw away so you can use it for other things. I figured you were more intelligent than to let everyone know you are growing.

As for trimming. I beleive the guys that say leaves on makes for a better, more even dry.... but I found it much harder to trim dry bud than a wet one.

Plus by the time it was dry I didn't want to do any more. Just wanted to jar it and move on to the next thing. Also when it's dry and you are messing with it so much, a lot of crystals fall off... and I don't like that. One thing I love about my own bud is that it hasn't been handled much. All the loose crystals are for the most part still on the buds. Just one set of hands has touched all my stuff... and even then I only touched it to cut it down, then to trim it, and that's it. I don't really touch anything when I cut it off the branch when dry, just clip it into a pile and weigh... then into the jars.

Go ahead and try a branch without trimmig and see what you think when it's dry. You can do the second part of the harvest the way you like it best.

One more tip about trimming. I cut all my leaves with my scissors aiming down. So I don't cut across a leaf, or up under a leaf, but I pin it's center down with the tip of the scissors and clip. I've found that the best way to get really close without hitting any buds.

Good spring loaded scissors with a very sharp, small tip is crucial. If you don't have any go to Michaels and drop $15 on one. The sharper the 'tip' the better to get in there.

jigs, two things...

first, anything else you can make other than hash? i'm going to reread your thread when you made the hash to learn more about it. that's something i have zero clue about (then again, i had zero clue about growing before this grow).

next, i don't get what you mean by "pin it's center down with the tip of the scissors and clip." able to explain that a little more?


Well-Known Member
There are a few pics of mine in my profile but I haven't started much regarding threads. The one reply I received regarding late use of co2 was enough. As I get closer to harvest, I'll update my album with more pics. So far so good with my current grow (the church and gbomb in dcw 5 gal buckets). Only prob (I think) is the higher humidity level (70-80%) with lights off. No signs of mold, with lights on the humidity drops to 45-50%. Anyway, keep the updates coming buddy.
looking awesome man! +rep to you too! looking forward to the new pics.

looks like you're using string to tie down the plants and prevent them from growing into the light. my suggestion is to stay on top of that... it works to a certain extent. i ended up having to tie the really tall branches and pull them off to the side of my grow box. the top of several of the colas grew well above the HID light/hood.


Well-Known Member
jigs, two things...

first, anything else you can make other than hash? i'm going to reread your thread when you made the hash to learn more about it. that's something i have zero clue about (then again, i had zero clue about growing before this grow).

next, i don't get what you mean by "pin it's center down with the tip of the scissors and clip." able to explain that a little more?
You can make all sorts of stuff with the extras. Hash, hash oil, butter, honey oil. I personally like hash. I just looked up the video on youtube... search gumby hash. You can make butter to for some killer brownies or cookies.

I took some pics of the leaf thing. The leafs coming out of the buds, I can put the scissors over them like in the pics and push them down against the bud beneath... making sure only the very tip of the scissors is on the leaf and snip... you can get the whole leaf that way, or at least I can.



Well-Known Member
About 63 days into flowering and thanks to the help of jigfresh, looks like Lois Lane (AK48 ) and Jean Grey (Master Kush) are getting cut down Sunday or Monday. That will make the flowering time for those two at about 65 days.

Mary Jane (Master Kush) is coming around... will take another sugarleaf clipping tomorrow to see the progress.

Also had an observation today... it looks like since switching to plain water, the girls have slowed down on the amount of water they're drinking. Instead of a gallon a day, it's like 3/4 a gallon a day. Does this happen with all grows? I'm assuming it's b/c the girls can sense that their life is nearing an end?


Well-Known Member
You can make all sorts of stuff with the extras. Hash, hash oil, butter, honey oil. I personally like hash. I just looked up the video on youtube... search gumby hash. You can make butter to for some killer brownies or cookies.

I took some pics of the leaf thing. The leafs coming out of the buds, I can put the scissors over them like in the pics and push them down against the bud beneath... making sure only the very tip of the scissors is on the leaf and snip... you can get the whole leaf that way, or at least I can.
thanks jigfresh! those pics totally made sense. i'm going to give it a try and i actually have a hybrid strategy that i think i will work out really well. i'll describe it tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
About 64 days into flowering. Sunday night will be the big night... Lois Lane and Jean Grey will be cut down. I'm going to clip more sugar leaves tonight to see the progress. As of right now, plans is to still cut down Mary Jane next Saturday. Hope the roots to the other two girls don't rot too fast. Will definitely be using separate containers in future grows.

The plan for the harvest...

Going to cut down the plants by branches. I will be leaving all the leaves on there, hanging up immediately. However, after 2 days or so, I'll go and manicure. From what I've read (and personal experience on previous clips), the leaves come off much easier, and you're not dealing with the crispy leaves (which jigfresh warned about). I hope this plan works. Planning on leaving them hanging for about 2 weeks or so.

Also, I bought myself a little grinder and pollen press just now. After doing some homework, sounds like Sharpstones are one of the best out there, so got myself a 2.5" Sharpstone grinder and Sharpstone pollen press for $39 off eBay (see below). Looking forward to seeing what I can do with the leaves.

So I've been doing some research and need some clarification...

Can you make hash from fan leaves? Or only from the sugar leaves?

Will the fan leaves have enough THC to make anything? (tea or cannibutter)?



Well-Known Member
Don't know about the drinking less... I didn't watch that close on mine.

The roots won't matter at all... don't worry about them... just leave everything in there till it's all done.

Nice grinder... I'm jealous.

2 weeks hanging is ok, but they might get too dry by then... just watch them. Not like you wouldn't.

You can make hash from anything... I think it's just the more sugar, the more hash. I'm pretty sure you could just use the stems and get a tiny tiny bit of hash.

And those fan leaves are potent as hell if you use right. I only used my fan leaves and stems... a pile of junk if you ask me... and made my butter/ oil that is out of this world. So yes... you can use those fan leaves.

You can also use the fan leaves and stems to make hash oil/ honey oil. I'm pretty sure those are two different things, but not sure like you.

I love the hash... this harvest I'm using everything but the buds and the roots to make hash. And I smoke it so slowly. I still haven't gone through half the first 3 gram ball I made.

wvoider09 - make sure you have lots of air movement with that high humidity at night. I know you said you are watching it, but it would be such a shame to lose even a little bit to mold.

hey neversummer... have you seen the pics of what my next setup is going to be like. I'm really excited to go vertical.


Well-Known Member
hey neversummer... have you seen the pics of what my next setup is going to be like. I'm really excited to go vertical.

thanks for all the tips. and yeah, really excited about my grinder. in my 15 years of smoking, I have never had a grinder.

as for the next setup... WHAAAAAA? no, haven't seen your next setup. where can i see it at? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm like you. Been smoking 14 years now... bought my first grinder a month ago. I only smoked ground herb like 2 or 3 times in my life before. Since I got the grider, I have made one bowl by hand... the grinder is always by my side now.

I talk about the new setup on the last couple pages of my Purple kush grow... link in the sig.

You have a shoutout on my thread too... that's how much I care, haha.



Well-Known Member
About 64 days into flowering. Sunday night will be the big night... Lois Lane and Jean Grey will be cut down. I'm going to clip more sugar leaves tonight to see the progress. As of right now, plans is to still cut down Mary Jane next Saturday. Hope the roots to the other two girls don't rot too fast. Will definitely be using separate containers in future grows.

The plan for the harvest...

Going to cut down the plants by branches. I will be leaving all the leaves on there, hanging up immediately. However, after 2 days or so, I'll go and manicure. From what I've read (and personal experience on previous clips), the leaves come off much easier, and you're not dealing with the crispy leaves (which jigfresh warned about). I hope this plan works. Planning on leaving them hanging for about 2 weeks or so.

Also, I bought myself a little grinder and pollen press just now. After doing some homework, sounds like Sharpstones are one of the best out there, so got myself a 2.5" Sharpstone grinder and Sharpstone pollen press for $39 off eBay (see below). Looking forward to seeing what I can do with the leaves.

So I've been doing some research and need some clarification...

Can you make hash from fan leaves? Or only from the sugar leaves?

Will the fan leaves have enough THC to make anything? (tea or cannibutter)?

Update: I just took clippings of the sugar leaves...

Jean Grey is definitely ready to go! You can see that her trichs are amber with the naked eye. In fact, I think they're on the verge of turning gray? I'm not sure. She's definitely ready to come down.

Lois Lane should be ready to go on Sunday too. I took a clipping from a different cola and on this one, she was just under 50% amber, all opaque.

And Mary Jane... she's still going to come down after the other two girls. But she's also the biggest yielder, so far.