My First Grow Ever[Updating Frequently]


Active Member
Hey everyone, thank you for the positive comments. I really appreciate it :)

Here's some cool stuff, one of my plants has a random leaf that is two different colors. I took a few pics to show you guys, pretty interesting to me haha :)

also, after work I went to Home Depot and bought a 250cfm in-line fan, a 4inch to 6inch converter thing, and some pipe and also got some carbon, I have two different kinds of carbon but I'm using the replacement filter for now.
It's working great, lots of smell from the grow room is gone and upstairs used to smell as well, no smells yet.

comments, suggestions? I'm listening haha:)



looking great dude keep up the good work....that leaf is so wierd looking cool but wierd ive never seen that before!!


Active Member
Umm i hope that isnt bare wire underneath that duct tape. big no no my friend. i would unwrap that asap and use some wire nutes in conjunction with some electrical tape! Duct tape is not sufficient for electrical wiring.

if your gonna use all that tape you would be better off using gorilla tape instead of duct tape, much thicker and stronger bond.

you can also use spray foam insulation to cover holes and fill gaps!


Active Member
Umm i hope that isnt bare wire underneath that duct tape. big no no my friend. i would unwrap that asap and use some wire nutes in conjunction with some electrical tape! Duct tape is not sufficient for electrical wiring.

if your gonna use all that tape you would be better off using gorilla tape instead of duct tape, much thicker and stronger bond.

you can also use spray foam insulation to cover holes and fill gaps!
+ rep for foam Idea, I was about to build some new light fixtures and trying to decide on gap fillers. FOAM! duh.. thanx


Active Member
no worries bro. glad to i could help. make sure you by the kind you want. i really like the gaps and cracks style that comes in a red can. whatever you do dont buy the cheap dap king that is a blue and black bottle. that shit sucks.

i always go with the red bottle with the yellow cap from lowes its like 3 bucks a bottle. always buy at least one more than you plan on using.


Active Member
no worries bro. glad to i could help. make sure you by the kind you want. i really like the gaps and cracks style that comes in a red can. whatever you do dont buy the cheap dap king that is a blue and black bottle. that shit sucks.

i always go with the red bottle with the yellow cap from lowes its like 3 bucks a bottle. always buy at least one more than you plan on using.
awesome, thanx. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Umm i hope that isnt bare wire underneath that duct tape. big no no my friend. i would unwrap that asap and use some wire nutes in conjunction with some electrical tape! Duct tape is not sufficient for electrical wiring.

if your gonna use all that tape you would be better off using gorilla tape instead of duct tape, much thicker and stronger bond.

you can also use spray foam insulation to cover holes and fill gaps!
I didn't have any electrical tape, but I wrapped each separate wire about 5-6 times over. Should it be sufficient until I can go and buy some electrical tape? or is it a fire hazard? there is no way the wires would touch unless the duct tape melted or something..

Id just electrical tape it to be sure not worth having your hole operation burn down cause you used duck tape instead of electrical tape and i like your set up lots of potenital


Active Member
It is a fire hazard along with an electrical shock hazard.

electrical tape is made out of rubber which does not conduct electricity. duct tape on the other hand does conduct electricity. I strongly and i mean strongly reccomend shutting it down and redoing it with wire caps and elec tape.

total cost cant be more than five bucks.


Well-Known Member
id listen to Johnboh. hes right about it being a fire hazard.dont risk your setup and anybody in the house's life.


Active Member
Hey everyone, I did a "test top" and had success.

So, I topped some more. After they have grown a bit from that I don't think I will be doing any more topping, I'll LST them.

I'm hoping one top and then LST will improve my yield. :)




Active Member
First attempt at LST, am I doing too much?
Maybe a little high stress training going on?
I'm using fishing line, I'm not sure if I should change that.. haha.

It seems to be doing fine.. If this goes successfully I will do it to the rest of them when they have grown a bit more since I topped them.

Thank you.

More pics on the way.

*edit: LST'd it a little bit less, but not much.



Active Member
Here's my current "Test LST", I did it with a non-topped plant to test it out and get used to it.

The girl on the bike was something I took a pic of today, I passed her then had to stop up the road and take my camera out. I've been thinking of doing something like this since I was a child, now I really want to! Haha :) She was doing ~35-40 when I passed her.

All appreciated. Thank you :)



Well-Known Member
In a few days the leaves will turn them selves over and the head will pull itself back up.....looking good but i would top it. You will see shoot growth grow faster.:leaf:Oh and that string don't look safe, i use hemp string but you could use some kind of soft yarn or something.