My first grow, few q's.


This is my first time growing, starting with 2 plants just for a test phase.

This ones already 2 feet, but it's a male.

They're both bubblegum kush I started them both off at the same time, the bigger one is already 2 feet, the smaller one is 8.5 inches, they both get the same amount of light/darkness/water so why is the one so small? Is it because it's female? And what I wan't to know is should i get rid of the male? I'm pretty sure the smaller one's going to be female but I don't wanna risk it, I have no intentions of selling what I grow so should I just keep the male or not?

Ignore that bottle of plant food, I don't use it so don't flip out.


Active Member
It happens alot where they will grow at differing rates. I have also noticed males tend to grow a bit faster hence the reason the show sooner. If yu want to make more seeds ou can separate the 2, gather pollen from the male, and if the other turns out female, pollinate a bud or 2. If you keep them together you risk pollinating the entire area, including future grows from pollen being in the room.


Active Member
Omfg. Yes. Want someone to come do your grow for you to?? It's your grow, you decide. Do you want seeds or not? If no, then cull it. If yes then don't.


Active Member
Sorry for being harsh. You did ask why it happens where they are different size, and if it should go. I thought it was clear where I said if you want seeds, to keep it, I didn't think it had to be said to get rid of it if you do t want seeds. It's ultimately your call being your grow. I will eat my humble pie.


Well-Known Member
Keep him very very small. Cut it back to just a few inches for only a few pollen sacks. A full plant will over pollinate, each sack contains thousands of pollen grains.

I would certainly advise you keep him alive though, seeds are invaluable. I just lost my whole collection to robbers (law enforcement) and only then did it occur to me how important those little embryos really are.