My first grow :First Harvest!! How did I dooooo!!!


Well-Known Member
Looks like a nice 2-3 zips depending on how dense it is. Make sure you dont dry too fast or too much or too little haha. Probably the hardest part for new growers is the drying/curing. Drying of which is the hardest for people to learn but so easy. Curing is easy too but people over complicate it. If you dry good enough you will need to open your jars to pull buds out to smoke. The curing is just time.

So make sure you dry them slowly and thoroughly. Usually take me about 3-5 days to dry depending on density and bud size, then i jar for 3-5 days without opening it at all. And usually for the top nugs ill need to dry them out a day longer than the smaller ones.