My first grow guys!

Dam sorry 2 hear u lost a plant,n 1 of ur post talkn bout ph,u test it with nutes?the flora bloom changes the color of my water 2 a tea like color so it's hard 4 me to retest it shuld I let the water sit 4 a day?


I test ph before adding nutes and bring it down to 5.5 for hydro, after I add nutes I test again, usually it's at 5.8, but for this you need a digital ph meter. I'm not sure how your doing yours in soil, testing the run off etc, in soil I ph adjust water without nutes then leave water to sit in a bucket with an air stone overnight, then I ph test again, then add nutrients and water and feed immediately , then I ph test the runoff (although I don't bother with this last step outside cause my ph is pretty spot on using the above method).


Well-Known Member
they look good. sorry if u said already but wat did u use last time for the same problem.
I use Garden Safe fungicide 3 it has worked great for me look it up. what I like about it is
that it works for a lot of thing.


Looking good cdd, but suggest you get some tie and bring those stems down, otherwise those girls are probably going to stretch up to your light to much. Since you only just flipped it should not be a big issue, usually you can lst first few weeks of flower without much hassle to the plant. I'd say from reading about your strain and seeing your lights level unless you have a tall tent you may have issues with their height.


Well-Known Member
yeah i was thinking same thing, i have about 2 feet, maybe a little more until it hits the light. and the kerala is starting to green up after the last feed, yellow is coming out of the leaves yay and someone told me it might be a deficiency with the holes in the leaves, that maybe i have a mag lock out? said they were having the same problem with no bugs in sight...


Well-Known Member
they look good. sorry if u said already but wat did u use last time for the same problem.
I use Garden Safe fungicide 3 it has worked great for me look it up. what I like about it is
that it works for a lot of thing.

i have azamax that i have been using man :)


Well-Known Member
Well I trimmed up some of the kerala my girlfriend turned the heater on for me the other night. Didn't pay attention. I walk in when I wake up and she set the damn thing to 85° and it was 93 in the tent. For about four hours Ugh lol


Probably it's best to trim in veg, but they will be alright since it was only week 1 I imagine, flowering focuses energy on flower sights, so recovering from plant stresses takes away from that. Just see how it turns out, I'm sure you will still get through to harvest and have some nice yields.

Bleep bleep bleep weather outside

i had high winds snap stem, then bugs eating the stem, patched and one plant die, then midgies chewing away at other stems, then patched and recovering plants, then a heat wave, then gale force winds, many leaves ripped or torn, one branch snapped off, and and then another heat wave few days ago before the winds also.

its like give me a break already.

This was the news report from few days ago

Severe weather warnings have been issued...thanks to a strong high pressure system causing gale force southeasterly winds, averaging 50-70 km/h, with gusts of 90-100 km/h.

Plants were fully exposed to the wind...I thinking either need to rethink my spot or put some sort of protection around them for next season.

on the plus side, hydro is all looking good and really becoming easier to look after these days.


Well-Known Member
Probably it's best to trim in veg, but they will be alright since it was only week 1 I imagine, flowering focuses energy on flower sights, so recovering from plant stresses takes away from that. Just see how it turns out, I'm sure you will still get through to harvest and have some nice yields.

Bleep bleep bleep weather outside

i had high winds snap stem, then bugs eating the stem, patched and one plant die, then midgies chewing away at other stems, then patched and recovering plants, then a heat wave, then gale force winds, many leaves ripped or torn, one branch snapped off, and and then another heat wave few days ago before the winds also.

its like give me a break already.

This was the news report from few days ago

Severe weather warnings have been issued...thanks to a strong high pressure system causing gale force southeasterly winds, averaging 50-70 km/h, with gusts of 90-100 km/h.

Plants were fully exposed to the wind...I thinking either need to rethink my spot or put some sort of protection around them for next season.

on the plus side, hydro is all looking good and really becoming easier to look after these days.
Geez brutal conditions man and I thought being cold sucked lol


Well-Known Member
Well my bagseed is doing fine the kerala is a bitch to grow I have a ph problem. Watered both today with 6.5 water and run off on kerala was 7.2 and bagseed was 6.5 and don't ask about the trim job my friend came over and was like try this. Well I wish I wouldn't have trimmed a damn thing so I have learned to grow how I want and not take opinions I'm not big on trimming.. Lol


Umm, I am lucky that my water stays at 6.4 / 6.5 regularly, so I never look at it. But Try and keep it around that 6.4 area.
Order a pH downer online.


Flush it with a 5.8 solution and you will be fine. It should lower the PH to where it should be at.

Im trying out the TESO beta today.. sucky loading and character creation issues already... think I will try Wild star online, so far I am not feeling TESO and usually I can tell a games appeal within first 5-10 levels. Think they made a mistake with subscription for that game.


Well-Known Member
Flush it with a 5.8 solution and you will be fine. It should lower the PH to where it should be at.

Im trying out the TESO beta today.. sucky loading and character creation issues already... think I will try Wild star online, so far I am not feeling TESO and usually I can tell a games appeal within first 5-10 levels. Think they made a mistake with subscription for that game.
Like flush flush or water with 5.8 next time?
Wut up guys been awhile 4 me,I cant shake this dam cold of mine,cdd10 ur plants r lookn nice & gettn big,gud job man,update on my plants their pretty f'n tall & budding nice will post pics n a min