My first grow in CFL box


Well-Known Member
Remember that when you start 12/12 they are going to double if not triple in size. Since you are growing with height restrictions you should be aware of how tall you can let your plants get. You dont want buds touching those CFL's because you will burn the shit out of ur buds. I have heard that fan leaves touching are ok because they are a stronger than the buds and can handle the heat but I would keep those CFL's about 1-2" away. If they are real hot maybe 3-4" away. Ne Ways good luck with your grow and keep up the journal for the rest of us to learn from.


Ron Paul rEVOLution


Active Member

well they are growing in soil which is distributed as garden soil with some nutrients added. The light cycle is still 18/6. And the height was taken into consideration before :) The plants can grow up to 2 feet before touching the lamps at 3 inches higher. They are now at 5 inches :) OB is branching much more than other two bagseeds. They will go into flower when they hit about 10 inches :) I hope they will reach that height in a few days. I will be posting pictures every week to keep you guys up to speed :) lol
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Active Member
Hello.. so here is another weekly update. Plants are now 5 days into flower and sadly one of them is male :( I know you will all confirm that :) are the pics :( sadly orange bud is not a girl :( that sucks ... hope two other will be girls as they didnt show sex yet :)



Active Member
hey nice job on the plants they are looking good... Did u just germinate the seed in wet paper towel and then put it in the dirt and did u have the lights right on them when u put them in the soil? And what is the flourescen light in there for ? if u could reply plz thatd be great


Well-Known Member
Hey man plants are looking pretty damn good. What strain are you growing? I did not see it anywhere in your grow, or is it bagseed? Also how tall were your plants when you started to flower them?? Thanks alot. And good luck!


Active Member
Well its all been written before :) Yes there are two bagseed and one orange bud from dutch passion...which turned out male, so its out of the game :) Now I wish I've ordered fem seeds :) oh and they were germinated directly in soil. Put them in about 1,5 inches and just waited for a few days :) The lights were off at this time. And they went into flowering 3,5 weeks after germination at 7 inches. The light setup is a mixed spectrum of warm and daylight whites...and one fluora bulb :) Thanks for good wishes ;)


Active Member
another update...the sexing period is now over, sadly the ratio was 2/1 in favor of males :) Anyway..still got one girl to play with ;) Here she at her 35 day of life, 9 days in flower...

oh and she was sleeping while i was taking a photo :) thats why her leaves are droppy :)



Well-Known Member
Looking good dee, too bad about the 2 males...But at least now you can put all your love and care into that one girl...Hope you get a decent harvest man !!



Active Member
thanks farmingtoronto :) Dont really know bout a decent harvest, but anything over 10g is great for me :) If this grow turns out ok, ill go with fem seeds next time :)


Active Member
yes its probably not too late, but i don't mind cloning now as the season is still here and my outdoor beauties are doing well :) This is still just a test run to see what i can expect from this box...if it will suffice for the winter times :) Thanks for the idea anyway ;)


Well-Known Member
yea man definitely take a couple clones to last you through the winter. maybe even consider topping the plant a few inches from the top so that it bushes out since you only have one now. you could even plant the top as a clone, i did that and it turned out great.


Active Member

so she is flowering alright, but something seems to be wrong as she is wilting her leaves and showing some brown spots on the leaves...anyone can guess what can be wrong? can it be the temperature? its not really that high, bout 28C now when its summer...should be much lower?

have fun ;)



Well-Known Member
I am no pro first timer here but it looks like maybe overwatering a little bit, my leaves were kinda doing the same thing. Whats your watering schedule ? Looks good though!


Active Member
i water every three doesnt seem to be overwatered. Could it be the same effect from underwatering?


Active Member
hello...well ive found out the was really a heat stress, cant belive it really...need to get some more ventilation :)

the box didnt cost that much, about 100 euros for a complete setup. Ive done most of the wood work myself. New pictures will come soon ;)

have fun