My first grow, in need of some advice please

Hey all, so its my first grow and up till now they've been growing beautifully.

Their are 3 x dutch passion power plants and there being soil grown in coco and into they're 4th week of flowering on 12/12 cycle.

About a week ago the tips of the leaves began curling up slightly and turning brown, I have them on canna terra flores and have done throughout there flowering stage. Ive used the canna brand up until now and its worked wonders. I am watering once - twice a day and heres how they looked about a week and a half ago, sorry cant find rest of pics but you get the idea :)

There under a 250w HPS light and have been throughout, its a dual light and ive been told it will be fine to use from start to finish. There being grown in a closet which is about 1.2m x 1m x 2m tall.

After searching f*ck nows how many sites last night, i found so many mixed reviews on the brown leaf situation. Some say its too much nutes, others say to little, then theres some saying to move the light higher, or to flush with ph balanced water etc... lol i just have no idea which suggestion to go with. I have raised the light since(done this about half hour ago) and last night i flushed with ph balanced water.

The nutrient says to use 40ml per 10l. Ive been using about 30ml to be on the safe side so surely it cannot be to much nutes?

Im lost for answers and theyve grown so well upto now with the exact same method and its a bit dis heartening to think i could lose what i have. Heres the pics of how they are now, they just seem to be getting worse

Any help or suggestions will be much appreciated. Thanks, Wes.

Not the best of pics because of the light, heres the shit ones. Aswell as a couple of random shots

Now the one furthest from the light, it has curled up on the tips but not half as bad as the closest one to the light so would that lead to the light being too low?

Ive seen that bud, only theres a few on there which all appear on my plants so not sure which one to go with? As theres curling tips which are brown, brown patches and slightly yellow leaves here and there....

im just stumped, obviously not to clued up in regards to this


Active Member
I dont know what else to suggest lol. I'm sure someone else on here will be knowledgeable about this.
i hope so. after flushing them for the past day or so i have now mixed up a new batch of nutes. I used 2/3's of what is recommended so not to much and not to little.

Ive trimmed the yellow shit leaves and cut the tips off most of the curled ones, they look healthier now and hopefully they will pick up, there budding very well though despite the crap leaves. Fingers crossed hey


Active Member
i hope so. after flushing them for the past day or so i have now mixed up a new batch of nutes. I used 2/3's of what is recommended so not to much and not to little.

Ive trimmed the yellow shit leaves and cut the tips off most of the curled ones, they look healthier now and hopefully they will pick up, there budding very well though despite the crap leaves. Fingers crossed hey
Yeah fingers crossed your plants will be getting healthier now. Good luck :)