My first grow is tragically amusing... Come See!


Found my secondary leaves yellowing- didnt think much of it, but then the 3rd set starting to get yellow spots at leaf tip. Mmhmmm.
Week 3 Yellowing 2.jpgWeek 3 Yellowing.jpg

I'm going to get a soil reader soon to check soil PH...
looks like nute burn my friend, i said to wait till the nutes ran out of the soil, it says on the bag you have that it feeds for 3 month, meaning you wont need to feed for a while, i wouldnt go 3 months but a month-month and a half. AND on top of that its all miracle grow....there is nothing miraculous about miracle grow...


I'm thinking it was nute burn brought on by lack of water retention. That soil was so tough that I tried to aerate it just for water penetration, and no luck.

So, I repot - which was needed anyway- checked the roots(looking good with white fungusy stuff), and used a decent soil called Ferti-Lome Ultimate. Good consistency, even absorbency/drainage... good stuff.

Here's a couple pics. Plant growth picked up since repot. But it seems it's time to start training!
Week 4 Box.jpgWeek 4 Start.jpgWeek 4 - Train.jpg
nice! they look a whole lot happier and healthier since u switched not only the containers, but medium as well, Ferti-Lome is good shit! i mixed a bag of that with a bag of Fox Farm Ocean Farm and have had a great time with it, MG sux, hopefully we can agree now =) water retention has nothing to do with nute burn or not, water retention just applies to how much water is retained or held within the soil. if you had shitty water retention that would mean your medium would not hold a sufficient amount of water, if you have to much water retention it means that water will stay in for a long time, leading to root rot or fungus. Nute Burn refers to nutrient uptake, if it takes in too many nutrients at one time it will "burn" the plant. keep up the good work, and stay stealth =)