My First Grow Journal!!


Well-Known Member
Alright here I go with my first grow journal, some of you know me and have been asking to see my setup for awhile but do to being paranoid I have not posted many pictures but now I have My Oregon Medical card and am a Caregiver so I am willing to show them now

the setup
room is 11x8
lights 2 1000 hps cooled hoods
soil grow with Fox Farm Ocean Forests
I use all the Fox Farm Nutes and Cal-mag as needed
460 CFM fan with a carbon Filter
12,000 btu Air conditioner
Co2 and tank I just got but not the controller yet due to budget so not hooked up
Strain is 7 Skunk#1 and 5 Mazar both from DP

been out of the clone room for about 1 week in this veg/flower room

so this is my first Journal so if I left somthing out just let me know and I will try to keep you posted with picturs every few days
and feel free to post in here as long as your not running your mouth talking crap



Well-Known Member
Later tonight I will take some picture of the buds from the last grow
I got 39 Oz from it last time


Active Member
how much did this setup in the pictures cost you total? approximately, I'm sure you don't remember the exact figures.

it looks nice though man, good luck on your grow


Well-Known Member
well its been about 5 days since the last picture's I posted and everything is going great they have grown quite a bit
its been pretty hot lately so the A/C as been working over time its been getting about 95 outside but keeping it right about 80 inside
been watering every 3-4 days and been giving them a full dose of the big bloom and they seem to like it alot



Well-Known Member
Things are going pretty well, I notice a few leaves on 2 of the Skunk#1 that are a little brittle and rusty color so went ahead and just watered with Cal-Mag hopefully that stops it before it gets to bad
so what do you guys think of it so far?



Well-Known Member
well I guess I am not that good at keeping a journal its been 2 months since my last post in here

but here is a update all is good its been 5 weeks into flower and things are going pretty good



Well-Known Member
Thanks I was not able to finish the journal due to computer problems and not being able to get on the internet for the last month or so of the crop
I am getting ready for my next one maybe I will start a new one


Well-Known Member
dammmmnnn skunk#1 from dutch passion?
were they indica dominant or sativa dominant? real skunky smelling?

to bad u couldnt finish posting, bet the shit is bomb


Well-Known Member
dammmmnnn skunk#1 from dutch passion?
were they indica dominant or sativa dominant? real skunky smelling?

to bad u couldnt finish posting, bet the shit is bomb

yeah from DP.
it was more indica finish's right about 9 weeks right along with my Mazar which is 100% Indica
it does get the real good skunk after cured for a few weeks