My first grow KC Brains Mindbender

My first grow.
The seeds im using are KC Brains Mindbender
Mind bender (indica)

Also for the Mind bender goes that it can be grown indoor and outdoor. The parents are a double K.C. 2 with a K.C. 33 and an Afghani like. This plant which could turn red, has sweet buds and a great aroma.

Inside flowering 6-10 weeks,

height Apr. 90 cm, yield up to 130 gram.
I first started them of in some seedling compost up until they where about 2-3 weeks old then re potted them in some jon innes No2 with perlite, have been feeding them with Bio bizz veg, saying that i have only done one weak feed, as i messed up when they where little by trying to force feed them nutes at about 2 weeks of age and causing them nute burn. They seem to of recovered a bit and are doing ok,
I had these under a 300w duel spec CFL light for the first 2-3 weeks, then the other day i switched them to a 400w syvania sodium lamp and they seem to love it.

Grow space is about 80cm by 80 cm by about180cm high, Ventilation i have one pc fan on intake and another high powerd pc fan on the out take, also i have another high power pc fan blowing over the hps light keeping it cool and another desk top fan blowing air around the grow room.
will add pictures soon.


Active Member
Hey mindbender your little plants are well on their way to being full grow women! In the second to the last picture you posted it looks like there is a little bit of rust on the leaf but i guess it could be from stress. And you can never be sure what a plants gender is until you actually flower them. Did you buy feminized seeds? And I usually wait till flowering to use an HPS light because it emmits a red spectrum of light which plants make more use of when they are flowering. That CFL should have been more then enough light, and if your using the CFL you can move it very close to the tops of the plants because it emits very little heat. But i guess whatever works for you works! Your plants look alright and alright is better then not alright haha
lol thanks im glad even happy that they are alright as i have been shitting myself trying to look after these, im not really surprised that they are stressed with me looking after them, but this will be a good learning curve, these where just run of the mill regular seeds, ill put a order in for fems when i kill or grow these.


Active Member
Yeah man (assuming your a guy for no reason) everybody has to start somewhere right? And it's better to start with reg seeds when you're still learning what to do! If you have any questions feel free to ask and if i can't answer them I know for a fact other people on this site can! They helped me with my first legit grow.