My first grow log please comment and help a bro out

midget mike

hell yeah bro. nice grow, i subscribed. i currently have one baby indor and two outdor. i hope to pull off a grow like yours. keep growing and smokeing. fuck william randolf.


Thanks bro! Have any pics of your girls? I have no other avenue to talk about growing. I tell no one and just wanna share my excitement somewhere.


I'm with Balzac89 , I would have vegged will not pull in 2.5 from one plant of those..btw, whats the temperature in that tent?

midget mike

yeah i know how you feel and i plan on posting some pics tomorrow. is lst working good for you on yeild? im thinking of giveing it a try.

midget mike

I'm with Balzac89 , I would have vegged will not pull in 2.5 from one plant of those..btw, whats the temperature in that tent?
i disagree, you can easly get as much yeild with a short bushy plant as a monster. my friend got 2 ozs for one 20 inch plant, it had aroud 6 heads.


The temp when lights are on 85 and lights off 75. I started flowering at 12 inches tall and now WITH lst they are 54 inches from the soil. And i know i have a good foot and a half tied down. If i would have veged longer....holy shit batman!!


Well thanks for everyones comments and concerns...As for my yeild only time will tell. But 1 thing is for sure no matter if i yield 2+ zips a plant or not, i am learning. As much reading as i do on this subject i can honestly say i could be doing ALOT worse. As far as my ladies they are doing great. I am 3 weeks in to flowering and each plant has a shit load of bud spots. I will be happy with whatever my results are as i said this is just a learning curve. I wanted to start with seeds that didnt cost me anything but where not bagseed. My next grow will be from seeds i purchase and know the genetics on. And i will apply all i have learned and all the comments i get here on that grow.. But in the mean time i will continue to focus on this grow and we will see what the outcome is.


Well im just starting week 3 of flowering. I still have a good 8 weeks left to go...Damn sativas:-| i clipped off a few lower branches that where not getting light. Of course they had small buds on them, so i said wth ill try them even though they a very immature. :o so i quick dried them and it made a real fat bowl. It obiviously tasted really green. Its crazy it got me stoned as shit, more of a head high but hey!! At least i know she will get you high:weed:


Ok i think i have a problem, my stalks are getting red stripes in them. I noticed about a week ago red stems. But everything i read said it was prob normal. But i have been watching them close and noticed it in my stalk today. I think its a lockout due to salts or over nutes. If it is over nute its so light that just the very tip is burned on leaves. Otherwise they still look healthy. So i wanted to check my runoff ph. With tap water 8.2 it came out at least 5.8. Thats as low as my tester will test. So i gave them a good flush until ph was around 6.4-6.5 runoff. Here are some pics.. Does anyone have some input??:o



Well today i went and bought a soil test kit. It test ph, Nitrogen,phosphorus,potasium. My soil ph was 6.7 and 0 of all the ferts, so i gave them a dose of 1/4 str nutes. I will test the soil again next watering and fertilize accordingly.


Well-Known Member
do the rest of the plants look green and healthy? i wouldnt really worry about it unless the plants are affected negatively man.


Ya bro they look good all except a little heat stress on the top leave tips. But man has the main stem got red. Take a look at this man so weird. The red dont go up the leave veins either.:?



Ok for whoever has this problem like i did, here is what the problem was. TO MUCH PHOSPHUROUS!!!! My nute where 12-55-6 and was given 1/4 str. After talking with a good friend. He said to counter it with a folier spray of nitro,iron and epson salt. So i gave them some batguano with epson salt and some chelated iron. 20 mins after the spray WOW big differance!! He said to do 3 time a day until red is gone. But everytime i spray i see a big differance!! Anyhow i just thought i would let you know what fixed it!