My First Grow N It's A Female


Active Member
Thx You To All Who Help Me Through The Vege Stage Of My Plant it's
it's the 10 Days on 12/12

i'm glad to say it's a female
I'll be Updateing pics every day through this whole flowerin
Any One Who Would Like To Follow Me Through This Stage
"Feel Free To Make Opinon on how the plant looks
and advices if u catch something i don't see
Ex: PH,nut burn ect ect"

I'll be Updating daily i knw it a female cause i seen the 2 hair but my camera can't see it yet


Active Member
Is that ur little baby right there in ur profile pic?
and didn't it feel good to see a female:mrgreen:
i woke up dis morning and look at the newest node that growing and BOOM
2 tiny hair on right node... i'm keep updating so other first time grower can have a idea of wat to look for


Well-Known Member
same here i woke up and there it was i jumped on the computer as fast as i could. im so happy for you they look awsome to good luck.


Active Member
Thx You
And Did I Mention i'm growing in a closet under
4- 23watts CFL lights. i also have 3 more 23cfl anyone think i should take those extra and set it up around my plant . so light can come from the sides too?


Well-Known Member
I would. I am planning on growing my two plants under cfl's. I have them under 3 cfl's at the moment and i am planning on getting atleast 6 more. And then when it is time to flower i will put them under a 400watt HPS and start more under the cfl's. I am amazed at how good mine are after around 12 days.


Active Member
i'm getting my paycheck 2morrow
and i have a friend near my house
that selling the whole HPS kit for 40$

now waiting for this check
Thinking should i or should i not buy it :\

i'm worried about the electric bill.
would anyone like to take a stab at how
much the eletric bill will be for 1month


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
how many watt is the hps light for 40 bucks ?? Im using a 400 watt hps and my bill only goes up average about 15 bucks extra a month :joint::peace::peace::peace:

p.s get that damn hps and watch your plants go to heaven.


Active Member
it 400watt hps bulb with the WHOLE KIT
for some reason i now that a good deal
eletricbill will be 15 bucks extra or under 30 bucks is fine with me
Shyt i'ma hit him up


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
yeah it would be very very very stupid not to buy it lol cause you cant find one for under 100 bucks for the whole kit.


Active Member
It's the 11 day on 12/12

i took a couple of new pics today
and hair are poppin out of the other calyx's
*sniff sniff, mmmmm smells good*



Active Member
GOOD MORNING ROLLITUP MEMBERS.... Today is a good day it's my B-Day... And You Know What? I'ma Maybe Go Get My Plant And I A New 400 watt hps WHOLE KIT!!:mrgreen:

I'll Be Posting New Pics Up Soon Of The New Installation and How My Plant Is Doin


Active Member
Happy Birthday, hahaha treat your self up man. I would, that whole kit for 40 with a 400w hps is a sick deal man go for it. I got my self a new glass piece for my birthday, its the 21st this month but i bought it early ;)


Well-Known Member
Happy belated, Blazin! Rock out. What do you guys think of flowering under metal halide? Everyone seems to be of the opinion that HPS i necessary for flowering. Would my halide work? it's a balanced spectrum bulb, mostly blue for vegging. I should prolly just suck it up and buy a HPS bulb since I have a switchable ballast, yeah?


Active Member
in my understanding halide is no good for growin. All it does is put out heat, you should jus buy a hps if u can.

i started of with CFL at the vege cause i had no money :mrgreen:
but i also found out something good is that useing cfl during vege
put the plant in less stress cause the heat stay at a perfect 76F in
my closet. and a fan that blow on slow for the whole vege stage.
it worked out great.

But getting a Hps should be on top of everyone list,If You Want A Good Size Bud.

Thank You For The B-Day Replys Everyone :blsmoke: