My First Grow: Nice Pics Included


I had another thread asking advice when my plants were babies and nearly dead. I used the advice everyone gave me and this is the end result. Month and a half later my dying ladies turned into strong ones. At least I think so.

What ya think?

(These are the time-line pics. Other pics below.)
Plant 1 Timeline.jpgPlant 2 Timeline.jpgPlant 3 Timeline.jpgPlant 4 Timeline.jpgGroup Shot Timeline.jpg


I have a few years growing experience.I think if you take care of your plant,it is hard to die,if you are careless for it ,it will die at once.


Thanks for the positive feedback guys! I'm really happy that they recovered as well as they did. I have several pictures from 3/9/11 and then the ones above taken on 3/19/11. (10 days difference.) You won't believe how much growth they received during that 10 days. I'll go work on those now.


looks good to me and I am new for growing as well, what strain did you picked? I am working on "snow white" for my 1st grow.


@Snowbuds - All four of them are random bag seeds. Plants 1 and 2 are the same strain from the same bag. Plant 3 is from it's own bag. Plant 4 is from yet another bag. Not sure what strain any of them are. For bag seeds they are doing ok. Only running the sex risk. Possibility of being males.

Time-Line pics added to first post.


I was curious if someone with some experience could tell me how long before I should / could / would try to flower them. I was thinking of vegging for another month, possibly two. I have plenty of room in my grow closet and another 3 or 4 feet for the light to raise up so size isn't an issue. Should I do something crazy and veg for another 4 or 5 months or something and have a closet full of trees? Heh. My own little forest!

I'm aware that you can go 12/12 from seed. That isn't really what I'm asking. I'm just curious how much bigger I should let them get before flowering. I'm getting really impatient. :(


I was curious if someone with some experience could tell me how long before I should / could / would try to flower them. I was thinking of vegging for another month, possibly two. I have plenty of room in my grow closet and another 3 or 4 feet for the light to raise up so size isn't an issue. Should I do something crazy and veg for another 4 or 5 months or something and have a closet full of trees? Heh. My own little forest!

I'm aware that you can go 12/12 from seed. That isn't really what I'm asking. I'm just curious how much bigger I should let them get before flowering. I'm getting really impatient. :(
how long to veg is up to you, just remember general rule of thumb is your plant will double/triple in height when you flower. they look great! :weed:


Since my T5 has the blue spectrum lighting I think I will leave my closet as is with that light and strictly use it for veg. I'm working on plans now to make a 3x3x6 foot grow box and am going to purchase a 400wat HPS to flower with. So hopefully within a week or two I'll have that light and box setup and I may flower plant one just to get some flowering experience down. I just need to finalize my plans and work out a decent system for building a box.


Here are some more pictures. Taken about 5 days from the last ones.

You can see some of my topping experiments, some fresh clones (yes one is dying), and a little bit of my T5 veg setup.

Couple more weeks and I'll have my 400watt HPS light and I'll start some flowering.



Well-Known Member
Very nice recovery! Looking good. I too grow only bagseed, others will try to tell you you can't get anything good unless you spend money for a name. Don't believe it for a second. The plants I have grown have gotten myself and quite a few friends ripped. It's all about how you care for them, not about a name and how much money you spent on seeds. Great job, can't wait to see photos of the harvest.